London Life Events

Magnum Celebrates 25 Years in Selfridges

July 21, 2014

Phew. Is it hot enough for everyone in the UK? Have you survived that incredible thunderstorm on Thursday night? Wow!!! Do you feel a story coming on? Yes, of course you do.

Apologies, I did not have my camera on me that day, but am sure (by the end of this) you will agree it’s better to blog about this having taken iPhone 5 pics than nothing at all!

Well, in between meetings, whilst in the West End, I decided to pass Selfridges and see what’s new in their superb window displays. Got to love their window displays. As I approached I was faced with this huge Magnum ice cream sculpture. Intrigued I wanted to know more….

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Why is Selfridges displaying Magnum ice cream? I turned the corner to look at further displays…. ah, it all became clear in a flash!

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

So, if Magnum is celebrating 25 years at Selfridges, there must be something fun going on. Let me investigate. It was hot, humid, I had some time and I’m always up for a bit of fun and a great idea. Low and behold, they transformed the much loved Wonder Room into an exciting Magnum ice cream parlour (a la Selfridges).

Let the theatre begin. I have to tell you that more likely than not there will be a queue, so be prepared. This is theatre, after all, so every part of it is important. While you queue you can admire the little Magnum sculptures in the vitrines.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Next, you are greeted by a member of the Magnum team, dressed impeccably in a brown and beige uniform. You get told what happens when it’s your turn and the excitement builds. More displays while you move along the queue.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving
Cocoa beans.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving
Gold Feuillantine

And then the big moment arrives! You are next. Here goes: you choose between vanilla and chocolate/caramel naked ice cream. Then you’re asked to choose 3 or 4 toppings. I chose Almond Flakes, Hazelnuts, Honeycomb and Silver Feuillantine.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Then the dipping starts. Choices are white, milk and dark chocolate. I chose dark chocolate. Marcel, an expert kept me in suspense. What next?

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

The box and the toppings are applied.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Now, the best part. Once again, you can select from white, milk and dark chocolate which Marcel expertly drizzled on top of it all and to finish off, here is the Magnum Signature.

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Voilà. That’s it. There are specially designed wooden tables supplied to eat your piece of art!

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving 

Roll the drums…… the moment you all have been waiting for. My very own Magnum ice cream. Too good to eat, right?

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

There were so many different concoctions that I decided to photograph my neighbours’ one for you before she devoured it. For white chocolate lovers!

Magnum celebrates 25 years in Selfridges - colourliving

Not one with a sweet tooth, this was certainly a sugar fest. But, hey, what a wonderful marketing campaign. Pure theatre, pure joy for young and old and all this for a mere £4.50. So, if you fancy your very own version, go and pay a visit to Selfridges because this is a true ice cream eating experience. Make sure to use the hashtag #magnumxselfridges for all your Social Media.

Happy 25th Birthday Magnum and thank you for the fun!

Magnum at Selfridges
The Concept Store
Oxford Street, London

30 June – 30 August

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  • Reply parisbreakfast July 21, 2014 at 10:04 am

    How FAB!
    I’ve only just gotten to know Magnum in France.
    They are not in the US…quelle dommage
    I’m an almond fan of theirs.
    Boy would I love this.
    Thanks Tina!!

    • Reply tina July 27, 2014 at 10:46 pm

      When I was in France at the beginning of July I saw Magnums and was surprised. Didn’t know they are so international. Go figure.

      I’ve had the almond once and found it to be extremely sweet. Also I like dark chocolate so will always go for that first.
      Ha. Yes, this experience is very you.
      Thank you…

  • Reply Igor July 21, 2014 at 11:57 am

    This is such a fun idea by Magnum!! Wish I did something like that here too. I think I’d get really creative with my own ice cream version!!

    • Reply tina July 27, 2014 at 10:47 pm

      I found out that today they were giving away 25,000 Magnums to people in Regents Street. Amazing or what?

      Haha. I can imagine you and P having a real ball with designing your own Magnums:-))

  • Reply Emma July 22, 2014 at 9:30 pm

    I do have a sweet tooth, and I think you might have just given me the perfect excuse for a trip to London I during the summer holidays!

    • Reply tina July 27, 2014 at 10:48 pm

      Bingo!!! I’m sure you won’t regret it. Wonder what ice cream flavour you will go for…
      hope you will show us some pics:-)

  • Reply Gerard @WalnutGrey July 24, 2014 at 10:34 am

    You do surprise me… somehow I cannot see you in the supermarket freezer section buying a box of Magnums 😉

    The above idea/marketing ploy is certainly clever. The finished results are a bit too sweet/sickly looking even for big sweet toothed me 😉 Nice window displays tho.

    Thanks & hope you’re enjoying the warm weather darlin’ xx

    • Reply tina July 27, 2014 at 10:50 pm

      Ha. Why. And why do you think I buy Magnums in then supermarket? I don’t shop in supermarkets….

      It was all definitely very sweet but worth it. It’s a one off experience and I loved it..
      Thanks G. Yes, loving this weather. Long may it last. BBQ’d the whole weekend:-))

  • Reply Mel July 26, 2014 at 1:01 am

    Amazing! From a marketing perspective, it’s PR genius. From an ice-cream lover’s perspective I’m totally jealous! Love it! Mel xx

    • Reply tina July 27, 2014 at 10:51 pm

      Glad you agree. Just genius!
      Ha. Sorry love, if I could ship one to NZ I would, promise.
      I was saying, Magnum gave away 25,000 Magnums today at a street festival. I didn’t go!!

  • Reply EventisimoDMC July 28, 2014 at 8:34 am

    Fantastic! Quite delicious street marketing action!
    Nice pics!
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply tina July 28, 2014 at 9:30 am

      Thank you…

  • Reply alisonsye July 28, 2014 at 9:50 pm

    Yes, can see why there was a queue.
    I’m an almond girl, myself.

    • Reply tina July 29, 2014 at 10:34 pm

      Ha. Hope you’ll get there before they close.
      Almond is good but very sweet.

  • Reply Louise - 30s Magazine July 30, 2014 at 10:59 am

    Oh funny, I went to the pop-up in Athens. Didn’t know they have them worldwide. I also took pictures to blog about it, but didn’t get to try one. The queque was so enormous, and I was tired and already on my way to the hotel. That, and I’m watching my diet 🙂 I hope they open one in Amsterdam soon. I might try one anyway and do some extra lapses around my house afterwards to burn of the calories.

    • Reply tina August 1, 2014 at 11:10 am

      What, you mean to say the pop-up in Athens was exactly the same as the one in Selfridges??

      Hahaha. Yes, you go girl, try one and go for a run around the block to work it off:-)

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