Hello friends,
I cannot express enough how sorry I am to have left you all hanging with an update of how I’m getting on with the Medical Medium protocol.
Life has been busy and good, but as always there are ups and downs.
So, let’s get straight into it. For those new to this blog (can you believe I used to blog religiously twice a week) I’m linking to the previous posts. The first one Medical Medium – The Discovery and AHA Moment followed by Medical Medium – The 28-Day Healing Cleanse.
So what happened in 2017? Well, after my 28-Day Healing Cleanse I felt great. Skin was radiant, bloating was much better and I had lost weight. Now what? I was convinced that if I maintained my routine of lemon water/celery juice/heavy metal detox smoothie and have lots of fruit and veg I could stay with my animal proteins, but simply cut down. Well well, if life would only be so easy and if one could always just find the right balance. Wouldn’t that make life much easier?
What really happened was that I maintained my routine (here above) for a lot of the year but I was so used to compensate with animal proteins that this would always be my first choice. So, in short, life was very hectic in 2017 (not going to bore you why) and I couldn’t quite follow through with my good intentions of keeping to the Medical Medium protocol the way I had planned. By the end of 2017 I felt ‘nearly’ as rubbish as before I did the 28-Day Healing Cleanse. That statement is probably a little exaggerated, as the celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie would have made some difference – but that’s how I felt!
I remember sitting here around the middle of December and thinking to myself that after my life long search of answers to my mystery illness I had finally found them (I will never be able to express enough gratitude to the Medical Medium and spirit) – so it’s now really up to me. I can go on make excuses how giving up animal proteins is hard for me (yes it was) but something inside of me just knew that I had to COMMIT and be FOCUSED!
Ideally I need to be on a low fat wholefood plant based diet. Although I don’t eat much fat, animal proteins has a ton of it. I especially preferred salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines, the oilier types (always believed they are good for you). Whether it’s lean grilled chicken (without skin), or wild venison, pigeon and pheasant – all of it contains fat. Then I loved my extra version olive oil, I cooked with coconut oil and had avocados from time to time. To me, that wasn’t a bad diet as I had lots of vegetables and salads with it all. BUT, a decision needed to be taken and I knew that 1 January 2018 would be the day!
So here we are. I’ve been on the low fat wholefood plant based protocol with all the trimmings:-) for over 2 months now and you all are wanting to know how I’m feeling. Well, I’m tired in the mornings, a lot of my symptoms are still here but I know deep down that if I persist (and I will) things will go from strength to strength. My digestion is DEFINITELY better and my skin glows. Patience is the answer here. Patience I’ve got!
Fortunately there is a thriving Instagram community. Some of you might know that the Medical Medium brought out his third book back in November 2017. I urge everyone to buy it, whether you have thyroid issues or not. It’s jam packed with incredible information.
Back to the Instagram community. A few day ago, Lauren, (@fortheloveoflyme) invited everyone to join her on the 90 Day Thyroid rehab #90daythyroidrehab This is something that Anthony Williams wrote in his last book. There is Plan A (30 Days) – Plan B (30 Days) and Plan C (30 days). You start off with Plan A (the simplest version of them). I am already on Plan C but have been feeling rather isolated with it all. The Medical Medium community is heavily US based and I’ve been struggling to make contacts with any UK followers. However, having joined this Instagram challenge has made me feel less isolated with it all and I’m loving it. It’s so incredible and amazing to see how many people are joining in. If any of you are on Instagram, do follow me (@colourliving) and look up the hashtag. You’ll be blown away to see the massive healing that’s going on.
Basically this 30 days cycle is for anyone who wants to prevent illness. You can all join in, whether you are following the Medical Medium protocol or not. It’s to help you eliminate those foods that feed pathogens and contribute tom our modern day ailments and illnesses.
Here goes:
• Eggs 🍳
• Dairy
• Canola Oil
• Gluten
• Corn
• Soy
• Pork
• MSG (all natural flavours & nutritional yeast)
EAT PLENTY but also make sure to increase your fruit, vegetables, herbs and wild food intake.
Blend or juice 16oz of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach – wait 30 mns before eating breakfast
Spread throughout the day, preferably morning and afternoon, drink 2x 16 oz of fresh lemon water (1/2 lemon squeezed in each 16oz glass)
Every evening have a glass of 16oz fresh cucumber juice (2 cucumbers) or alternatively make 16oz of water with 4 inches of fresh aloe Vera gel blended.
THAT’S IT! For those of you new to this, look up #medicalmedium You’ll find plenty of information and also YouTube videos showing you exactly how to make all of the above. 💕
I hope this account of where I was and where I’m now has helped some of you. Feel free to comment any questions and I hope I might have inspired you to join in. I’m aiming to blog more regularly again, maybe shorter posts.
Be well.
Tina x
how do you make your PESTO?
I don’t really make Pesto at the moment as I’m not using much oil or nuts.
I’m thankful for the thriving #medicalmedium Instagram community too! There’s an endless source of inspiration and encouragement. I started the #90daythyroidchallenge, too, and am feeling good so far. Looking forward to hearing more about your healing journey!
I know, it’s fantastic.
Oh, good you are joining the #90daythyroid challenge. Hope you’re doing well.
We are half way through….
I’m right there with you sister! I’m going to give the 28 day a try.
Good on you. You will feel amazing!!!
Dear Tina,
I eat fats like ghee, grass butter, extra virgin olive oil, hemp oil etc. And I always thought you need fat to be able to absorb the vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetables? Isn’t that correct? And how does your body feel now you don’t eat what your dosha needs? Iguess you are vata or bata/pita because somewhere you wrote you need warm food, like me? I wonder if solely fruits and vegetables will imbalance my constitution. Thank you for your reply! Bianca
Ha. I ate exactly what you eat and I thought so too.
Actually the body does not need the fat and especially if you suffer from EBV – the pathogens feed on the oils.
Yes, I am vata/pita and always needed warm food. Now I eat 70% cold and 30% warm.
I make a vegetable healing broth and also steam potatoes most evenings.
I eat a lot of fruit and make juices. It took time to get used to it but now I feel so much better.
It depends very much what you need healing. The fruits and vegetables don’t imbalance my constitution but you need to get used to it.
It feels strange at the beginning. It took me a year to come off animal protein. It was the basis of my diet. I thought I could not live
without it – but actually I can and I do now. It feels right and I will review once I’ve healed.
Hi Tina! I just found the MM protocol. I too have EBV, diagnosed in 1998. I’ve battled CAEB (chronic active) from then until 2014. I made some huge changes in my diet and nutrition then and life was great! Then last fall (Nov 2017) I relapsed with Strep and EBV and I haven’t been able to kick it since. I’m on Day 7 of my first 28. I hope you’re feeling better everyday!
Hi Tina
Thanks for all the info you are sharing about the Medical Medium. I am new to this and I bought the Life-Changing Foods book online thinking that I would find the 28 Day Cleanse and the Protocol in there, but they are not there. Where can I get the 28 Day Cleanse info? The books are a little bit expensive and my budget does not allow me to make too many mistakes…
Thanks again for all the time you put into your blog and keep on taking care of yourself
You will find the 28 Day Cleanse in the first book: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal.
It’s the least expensive one and I believe that the Kindle edition is even more economical.
I don’t know where you live.
My advice would always be to buy the first book in order to understand all the different conditions and how to heal.
Good luck.
Hey Tina
I have just read the first book by medical medium after a friend lent it too me. I have spent the last 25 years struggling with my health, being diaganosed with chronic fatigue, ulcerative colitis , reflux, candida the list goes on
So feeling ispired i have started the 28 day cleanse. I too have been on protiens and limiting my fruit. So this is such a huge challenge and change in my diet. Most of all i have had a lifetime hatered to celery
I feel really positive for my future health. Your post have been great to read and have joined you on instagram. Its interesting to hear that you have not been able to go back to your protiens and i feel this might be my option as well. But for now i will concentrate on the 28 days and see how i go. I will look in too the thyroid cleanse as well.
Do you use any other dairy options? Or have elimanated this altogether?
Hello Tanya,
I’m so happy you found some answers to your health issues. Isn’t it fantastic? The first book is EVERYTHING. It really explains most conditions and makes so much sense.
It’s certainly a major change to your diet. I did the 28 day cleanse immediately and didn’t find it that hard but afterwards I couldn’t come off animal proteins.
It took me the whole of 2017 to psychologically get ready to go fully plant-based and I’m 9 months into it.
I have always liked celery. I can tell you that juicing celery is mega important. The trick is to find ones that are sweet.
Don’t juice the leaves. They are bitter. I hope you find a way through this.
Thank you for following me on IG. But honestly, please take it step by step. That’s what I did. Do not put yourself under pressure.
First do the 28 days cleanse and see how you fee. I do believe we are on this journey and another few months will not make a difference.
It’s all about changing taste buds and having minerals, potassium and glucose balanced. You will get there. have faith and I am excited for our future health.
Just to share a little. All this week I have bumped into various people from the past, new ones. I’ve heard all week how young I look and that’s strange to me after so many years of looking awful.
This works. Keep at it and you will feel better. I do already.
I eliminated dairy many years ago and I keep things very simple.
Hi Tina,
I only just read your initial post on medical medium 28 day cleanse and was so interested to hear your update that I clicked right on over to it. When I saw that previously you were still eating animal protein, I was going to send you my story just to share how it went for me, but then I read your update and saw that you have stopped! so you worked it out for yourself!
I was overweight for most of my first 40 years and could not lose weight until I stopped eating animal protein. I loved it too, and it took me over a year to wean myself off it. Now, 8 years later, I have no interest in it whatsoever. I can’t even believe it’s me. But when I turned 40 and stopped eating all animal flesh/products the weight just fell off me (approx 25 kilos came off in around 4-6 months) and I have never put it back on, even though I sneak some naughty food now and then… I mean sweets etc… not animal protein. The interesting thing too, is that I’ve not been to a dentist or had any oral/teeth issues in the last 8 years and previously I was at the dentist 2-3 times per year! So I don’t know what this means, but I can only surmise that the animal protein was rotting my teeth?
Anyway, I just wanted to share my story with you, and wish you a lot of luck in this next phase, keep going, you’re doing really well!
Any updates as of 2019?
I believe you have mentioned some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. Ethelin Calhoun Neom
Are you still writing the blog Tina?
Would love to hear an update on you MM progress