Every month I cannot believe where the time has gone… it’s Vive la Différence April edition today!
Let me introduce you to Jocelyn, author of The Inner Interior. Jocelyn calls herself the ‘Writer and Righter of life. “The Inner Interior is dedicated to the art of designing and styling the mindful life….we will navigate through the inner interior of life where you will find the conversations a little deeper, with the emphasis on mindfulness and how it can lead to a more refined purpose and sense of peace.”
For new readers:
The concept: each month I will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image/vignette. There are 20 themes and 20 objects for my guest to choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then create an image/vignette based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a drawing, a collage, a hand-painted image, a styled table top… the choice is yours! The fun part is that you, my readers, will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.
Jocelyn chose the theme: Mediterrano with the objects: Food, Flowers and Cushions. Here is Jocelyn’s Vignette.
A Mediterranean Meaning
When Tina asked me to be a part of Vive la Différence I was thrilled mainly due to the fact I am a big fan of this series for its unique and creative vibe. Don’t you love to see what others create? My appreciation for differences is greater due to Tina’s blog and I am grateful for it.
The colors of the Mediterranean are somewhat magical to me; the deep blue sea with a hint of turquoise at the shoreline is just breathe-giving. The last time I was in France I remember seeing and smelling olive trees everywhere and the smell of the bark is so different than other trees. Olive trees are a symbol for peace and when given as a gift it is extending a sense of peace to the recipient. So, with this I give you all a piece of the olive branch! The crusty olive bread is hearty and just looked so friendly to me, isn’t that funny? Everything about the Med inspires me to dig deep and find pearls in the sea of life, go out on a limb and enjoy the fruitage life offers, no matter what.
Thank you, Tina for inviting me and I look forward to all your future posts!
We spent every summer of my childhood in Tuscany. Forte dei Marmi and its surrounding areas became my home from home. I always associate summer with the colours and smells of the Mediterranean. It’s definitely shaped my love for colours and food as an adult!
These days I spend more time in the South of France but Italy will always be my first love and I’m greatful that I grew up bilingual and now speak this magical language.
One of my all time favourite is to eat freshly caught fish grilled by the seaside. A little drizzle of deep green coloured olive oil with absolutely nothing else to accompany it. Oh, and of course, eaten with my fingers. I’ve often said that I would like my last meal to be a grilled wild seabass.
The background colour of my Vignette indicates my love for olive oil. For the sun, large fish (food) and anemone (flower) I used Artefact cards with various pen and markers. The blue squiggle indicates the sky. The greeny shape for the sea is a thick tracing paper from a notebook. The sandy shape, indicating sand is a velvety A4 sheet I bought in Amsterdam many years ago. I have it in quite a few colours and would love to find it again. Any of you Dutch ladies know where I might have purchased it from? The fabric used is actually an outdoor fabric I use on my rood terrace, here representing a sun lounger/mattress (cushion). It’s called Seville – Seaside. The little colourful fish is a button.
For those of you who knew about my goldfish Clarissa and Rupert, Clarissa died and Rupert got an infection so I returned him to the Pet shop for him to have a chance to survive. I no longer have fish so am dedicating this post to the memory of them and our short time together.
Jocelyn, thank you for taking part and extending the gift of the Olive branch:-) A sense of peace is always very much appreciated and needed!
Vive la Différence will return on Monday 5th May.
That color scheme resonates to well with me living in the Mediterranean area. I understand the love for Italy (have to go evey year, can’t help it), France and I even Greece came to my mind when seeing your interpretations. Love your series, Tina! x to both!
Yes, I also thought about Greece, especially in Jocelyn’s vignette. It’s all about the colour, sea, smell and food. I understand why you have to go to Italy every year:-)
Thank you Gudy x
Thanks ladies for this little trip to the Med! It’s my favorite area, mostly because it smells SO great and it’s so versatile and beautiful. Your suggestions of bread, olives and grilled fish make me hungry 😉 Even though it’s not quite the Mediterranean, I’m happy I’ll be soaking up a little bit of dolce vita in Milan later this week. Oh and I wonder Tina, how do you keep your Italian language skills up-to-date? bisous to both of you!
Ha, who wouldn’t be hungry when thinking of olives, bread, grilled fish and the idea of sitting by a harbour maybe:-)
Italy is Italy ad Milan is fab! Enjoy. You going to the Salone?
Ahem. It’s rusty, unless I have the opportunity to practice. There are some people I speak Italian with but I also make sure I watch films and read magazines and newspaper in Italian.
That helps greatly I find.
So glad you could come with us, Judith! We had a great time didn’t we?! I am actually quite hungry for some grilled vegetables with a side of olives about now 🙂 I am amazed at Tina’s ability to speak so many languages! Happy week, Judith! xx
Thank you Tina for bringing in a couple of fish! How cute are those wee things? Appreciating the differences in both vignettes as well as noticing the similarities is such a wonderful practice to do this not only NOW but always…I thoroughly enjoyed being on Colourliving. Much love, Jocelyn xx
Hahaha. Well, there was Food on the list:-))
It’s a pleasure to have you here.. and thank you so much for taking part. xx
Two wonderful interpretations of a timelessly beautiful topic. I am deeply connected to the Mediterranean and love being at its shores. Olives are my absolute favorite too and fresh fish is a must while on the Mediterranean. I love both vignettes for their individual spin on a topic that evokes solely positive feelings in the majority of people (at least those who experienced the Mediterranean at least once). Happy new week my friends!
“a timelessly beautiful topic”.. what a nice phraseology!!
I know you are deeply connected and can imagine you there. A no brainer really…
You’re right, anything to do with the Mediterranean does evoke happy feelings, of sand, sea and a carefree life (well, that’s my fantasy at least).
So funny to have seen you yesterday in my hood:-)
I agree with Tina! I love the phraseology! Happy week, Igor! xx
YAY lovely ladies and lovely interpretations. I adore the Mediterranean and spent many good holidays as a child. In-fact I’m returning there this summer and this post brought me right back. Thanks for reminding me of the olive trees Jocelyn, and Tina – hugs to the fishes . Many thanks ladies and have a fab day, Much love Axxx
Hello you!
Yes, of course, aren’t you going to The South of France?
Hope you’re well lovely xx
Sweet Anya, thank you for returning the olive branch in your note….I just love collaborating with creatives like Tina. It is always amazing to me just how wonderful others are, and I am grateful for both you and Tina! See you soon xx
A great uplifting post.
So sorry to hear about Clarissa, Tina. They both looked so happy in your lovely bowl.
Thanks Alison..
I know…:-(
Joceyln your description of the French Mediterranean is so vivid and your vignette a perfect visual representation, I felt like I was back there again and thank you for your gift of peace! Tina I like the idea of of freshly grilled fish straight out of the sea and to eat it with your hands! Love it! So sorry to hear about your fish, they are never easy to look after, I’ve failed misserably a couple of times… Thanks for my little trip to the Mediterranean girls! M xx
Why thank you, Mel! I loved this theme and when I saw it on the list Tina sent me I was instantly drawn to it….the colors of the mediterranean are so soothing and tranquil. To hear of Clarissa and Rupert passing makes me sad too and I am sure they are now swimming through the vast Mediterranean Sea and having a lot of fun! Jocelyn xx
“Gift of Peace”… beautiful, no?
I can’t think of anything better than grilled fish eaten with my hands by the sea:-) YUM!!
I know, still upset about my fish and feel like I failed as a Mummy:-( Thanks for sharing your stories with fish…
Pleasure lovely xx
Yay for the Mediterranean. Both are so happy. Sad to hear about Rupert and Clarissa 🙁 Just wondering, How do you know a fish has an infection????
Yay, we know you love a bit of sunshine, n’est-ce pas??
I know, well after Clarissa dies I was on the lookout to see whether there’s something in the water, atmosphere. Too little light et cetera.
After a few day Rupert wasn’t himself. he didn’t swim around much and when I dropped the food in he didn’t go and grab (like he used to).
I found him lethargic. So I called the Pet shop to discuss this as I was going to Berlin for the next 5 days and had just bought slow releasing food palettes.
After explaining the symptoms he suggested I bring him back as it sounds he has an infection, either in his stomach or his gills.
I took him back and he had a bad infection in his gills. They didn’t know whether he would survive but put him in his own aquarium with lots of light and oxygen to try and recover. I have yet to find out whether he made it as the guy who took him from me is never around when I call up:-(
Anyway, he also explained that goldfish might not be suitable for me in a bowl in my environment but that there are 2 different fish types that will be. As of yet I’m reluctant to try anything. Maybe when some time has passed. We’ll see….
Thanks Louise x
Great VLD! Mediterraneo, in combo with food flowers and cushions is a fab topic choice Jocelyn! I could so do with a little mediterranean right now 😉 I feel the warmth on my back just thinking about it.
Both your vignettes are so lovely!
Jocelyn, yours is so homey and fresh. I totally get what you mean about the “friendly” bread! I need to get my nose to an olive tree bark one day 🙂
Tina, yours really translates the influence the Mediterranean had on you. It’s a vibrant and confident vignette, full of positive energy. Sad to hear about Rupert now… sending him good thoughts.
Yes, but you had that sort of ‘heaven’ back in January. I know it probably feels like a lifetime ago…
‘Friendly’ bread, such a good way of describing it.
I suppose the Med is kind of my home from home… thank you for ‘the confident vignette’. That means a lot.
I know … Rupert…. xx
Two wonderful vignettes that have me longing for sultry summer nights, some of that delicious olive bread, fresh fish and a good glass of red.
Thanks you both x
And Tina I’m sorry to hear about Clarissa and Rupert 🙁
Not too long to go until those summer nights.
The one thing I really miss living in an urban city is the sea. There’s something about the water that’s so healing and of course the air is so much purer.
I know, sad news about the fish. Just getting over it now! X
Hello Jocelyn and Tina, 2 wonderfully different vignettes and both great. Jocelyn’s was calm, serene and made me very hungry, that bread just looked devine! Tina, I loved your colourful intepretation, how cool is that fish button and the lovely bright background to represent olive oil I love. Sorry to hear about Clarissa, I hope that Rupert survived his infection. xD
Thanks Doris. I know, just about getting over the fish drama:-) x