Happy monday. Yes, vive la différence is back and today i’m excited as well as a little nervous. My guest this month is louise, author of 30s magazine. Always the finger on the pulse and trendspotting, louise challenged me to a video post. Eeeek!!
For new readers:
The concept: each month I will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image/vignette. There are 20 themes and 20 objects for my guest to choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then create an image/vignette based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a drawing, a collage, a hand-painted image, a styled table top… the choice is yours! The fun part is that you, my readers, will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.
Louise chose the theme: city living – over to Louise!
Hello everyone, my name is Louise and I write the daily lifestyle blog: 30s magazine I live in the Netherlands, in a small village adjacent to the bigger city Leiden. Leiden is like the Dutch Oxford or American Boston: it’s home to the oldest and most traditional university. Royals and aristocracy all flocked to Leiden and its Law School is internationally renowned. The University of Leiden has a palpable influence on the city – bikes are everywhere, old canal houses are now student dorms, students gather at cafes and bistros, making the city lively and young. This is in sheer contrast to the historical buildings, bridges and cobbled streets. In summer especially, Leiden turns into a leisurely city. Students boat around on the canals and all terraces are full. So for me, a typical day in the city in summer is hopping on my bike, and riding into the city to get a drink. There are limited cars allowed in the city centre which keeps it quiet and maintains its character. It’s in summer when the quaint city and picturesque houses, the boats on the canals, and the bells of the towers make Leiden the city I love.
Unfortunately I’m a newbie at shooting video with my iPhone. I apologize for the screen, it was meant to be in landscape, but hope you’ll enjoy it anyway. The music is ‘Once upon a Summer Day’ by Monika Herzig Acoustic Project.
Yes, ‘video virgins’ is correct. I had no idea it’s so different and so hard to shoot a video. I attempted mine with my Canon camera. So here it is, rather short, but hopefully enjoyable. I used iMovie to edit, apply a soundtrack and exported it to vimeo.
London, city living. The good, the bad and the ugly! Accompanied by the late michael jackson’s track: Bad!
Well, I definitely need to do a video course:-)
Thank you Louise for taking time out to join the vive la différence challenge and sharing your lovely video with us. This was a hard one for me but I appreciate the learning. Video is the hottest thing in blogging so thanks to you i dipped my toes into water:-)
Vive la différence is celebrating 12 months in july, can you believe it? Anyone else fancy coming on the ride? Please let me know in the comments. Promise no one bites and we’re all here to learn and share. x
[…] I’m over at my friend’s blog Colourliving, with a special video about my city: Leiden. Tina has a monthly column where she showcases how she […]
A video version! New and very cool! Glad to see yet again two great ladies in one post:-)
Yes, can you believe it? Found it quite challenging:-)
Thanks Mister!
Just recovering from the GIFs and now we have films? is there no end to your talents?
Leiden must be a wonderful place to experience University. A great Vive la différence, merci! x
Leiden is great as a student. I did my first year in Leiden but then changed major so moved up north. But I came back, and I’m still happy I did.
Hahaha. Very funny. GIFs and Videos, I’m so current!!! Hahahahaha!
Doesn’t Leiden look romantic and picturesque… bet it’s lovely there. Thanks N x
I found the same thing when shooting a video for my blog Tina & Louise. It’s alot harder than you think. You guys have done a wonderful job, loved being transported to Leiden and London. I can’t believe VLD is nearly a year old, where has the time gone! Thank you, appreciate both of your lovely videos. x
Gosh, tell me about it! Really hard without teaching..
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed. Can you believe it’s been 12 months???
Wow! Fantastic job, ladies!!! LOVE the fact that Vive La Différence has once again inspired you to push the boundaries and bring something new to it. 😀
@Louise: As someone who is yet to master the very basic art of keeping my hand steady whilst filming let alone filming on a bike (am I right?), I doff my hat. What a lovely town Leiden is and you’ve captured it beautifully! I spent an afternoon in Oxford on my own yesterday, soaking up the history and the laid back, student atmosphere – a rare treat, believe me! – and, you’re right, it does have many similarities. The last shot of the canalside cafés was the perfect ending to your video. Thanks for sharing your neck of the woods with us! 😀
@Tina: Is there anything that you can’t turn your hand to? You MUST teach me your editing technique – so cool! 😀 x
If this is anything to go by, VLD’s 1st birthday will be pretty special. No pressure or anything! 😀 x
Thank you for your lovely comment. Filming while cycling was indeed adventurous 🙂 Never been to Oxford but hope to visit it some day.
Filming on a bike? You must be kidding. It’s me who witnessed your bike skills in Berlin. Filming on top of that would definitely kill you off:-))
What editing technique? All done on a Mac, dear. The theme was chosen in iMovie.
Didn’t have anything in mind for the 1st anniversary…x
Seriously – this just keeps getting better – is a never ending story of awesomeness:)
LOVING Louise’s post – Leiden looks incredible – I’d visit – soon I hope 🙂 well done.
And london – to the tune of BAD -video blogging! What’s not to love, made me want to move back even more (flatmate anyone – family of 4 ha ha)
YAY and look forward to more inspirations,
VLD – happy anniversary – keep em coming!!
Thank you Anya. When you do visit Holland, please mail me and I’ll give you a grand tour.
flatmade – family of 4…. with 2 angels (you forgot to mention that!!)
So nice that many of you are VLD veterans xx
This was wonderful you two 🙂 Thanks Louise & Tina. ‘Video virgins’ you may be but two great shoots. I’ve never tried it myself (kinda scared)… maybe this will prompt me into action.
Very different towns indeed – quaint vs. modern. I enjoyed the contrasts. I especially love the shot with the railway arches Tina (near Bermondsey St. I think) and the great ‘bokeh’ image.
Well done both!
Go on, have a go!!! It’s hard, I warn you:-)
The railway arches are in Camden… and the Bokeh image was a complete fluke:-))
Thanks G xx
How fun!!! I enjoyed both your videos so much 🙂 Great job ladies and thank you for sharing a glimpse into your city surroundings. Something I’m always interested in.
ps. Tina, I LOVE that you used the song Bad! haha!
Yay! It had to be BAD, right???
It all started with you…. x
Loved seeing both the videos – you both did a great job if that was the first ones – loved the cycle shots. And the whole edit was great on yours Tina – how did you do that photo album thing ?
And , it all brought home the strange circular nature of life in an Internet world – I’ve linked to this post on my blog today – http://starrybluesky.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/all-roads-lead-to-leiden/
Thank you Rhiannon.
The editing bit is in iMovie on the Mac.. you chose a theme, I think mine was ‘scrapbook’ and some music and off you go!!
Oh, thank you for linking this to your blog x
Thanks for linking Rhiannon. Your ixxi will look great with those pictures. You really captured all the right stuff, and it’s a much more unique way than framed photos. Leiden is changing rapidly though so next time you visit you’ll be awed by the transformation at Central Station and all the new shops that are popping up. Enjoy your weekend