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The Hive 2015

    Places & Spaces Whilst Away

    The Hive Conference 2015 – Berlin

    April 27, 2015

    OK. I am just going to say it out loud. I’m a big fan of the Hive conference.

    In 2012, the Hive was my very first blogging conference I attended, so naturally I was excited to join again this year. Back in Berlin, but now in a more posh venue, it did not disappoint. I really like that the conference runs over a whole weekend. It gives you a chance to attend talks and workshops but also hang out and have free time to meet and bond with so many people. It’s always nice to see familiar faces and a pleasure to meet so many new ones.

    Of course, as a more experienced blogger, not every talk or workshop was appropriate for me. But it doesn’t really matter as overall the atmosphere, networking, good food and interesting discussions make up for everything. There were many highlights for me but here are a few great memories of a fun and educational weekend.

    Lego made this great sign and Yvonne, the organiser of the event, got to keep it after the event. Yay! Talking of Lego, Lego Duplo held one of the workshops. I was highly impressed. Not being the kind of blogger who works with brands, it was interesting to see that their whole workshop focused on how best to collaborate, support and work with bloggers. They understand that it’s a two-way relationship. Their workshop was refreshing, engaging and very professional. Thank you.

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving

    This below is great. Now a firm and regular feature at the Hive conference, one can never tire of this bloggers business cards fabric world map. How great is it to see where people are from. A genius idea!

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving

    My absolute highlight of the whole conference has to be the styling workshop with stylist/photographer/artist Dietlind Wolf. It’s difficult to describe the emotions I felt throughout. A masterclass in everything from styling to design to life’s lessons, I (and I believe everyone else) came away invigorated, inspired and full of gratitude to Dietlind for being authentic, sharing so much of herself and her incredible talent.

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving
    All props and hand made items and layout © Dietlind Wolf. Photo taken by me.

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving
    Finished styling vignette © Dietlind Wolf. Photo taken by me.

    Another great idea was the bloggers book corner. Filled with every book on the market by a blogger, you were able to browse all books over the weekend. The surprise came when we were each asked to take a number and then handed one of the books on display at the end of the conference. Lucky for me, I got a book I don’t yet owe and is completely up my street. Result!

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving
    Print & Pattern 2

    I enjoyed myself tremendously. The venue, atmosphere and food was great. Best of all, it was fantastic to see Yvonne and her team thrive and put on such a fantastic event. Love how super excited she is about next year. Yep, the location has been let out the bag. We’re coming for you Dublin and I cannot wait. Ahem, I’m already officially booking myself onto Dietlind Wolf’s workshop, the only workshop already announced and confirmed!

    the hive conference 2015 - berlin | colourliving

    Thank you everyone involved for the inspiration.