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    six months blogging birthday

    June 1, 2012

    Today is a special day.

    Today is 1st june.

    Let me tell you a little story. Back in september 2011 i was sitting at home feeling the need to make some changes. I had just started my journey with colourliving and was feeling restless and in need of inspiration. That very same moment a tweet appeared on tweetdeck by decor8 announcing last entries for blogging your way commencing 1st october. i had just met holly becker at her book signing of decorate at anthropologie here in london so had a vague idea of who she was. But blogging? How do you do this? I’d never really read many blogs before.

    Good at knowing how to help myself when in a rut, i blindly signed up and remember thinking i’ll figure out what it’s all about in a few days when the course actually starts.

    It started. I listened. I learned. I participated. I took risks. I stayed open hearted. I was humbled. I was inspired. I was fulfilled. I made friends. I now have a new found family and to top it all, i started serious blogging on 1st january 2012, yes, exactly 6 months ago today.

    I’ve loved every minute (including the late nights) and my little blog would be nothing without all of you, my readers, and new found friends.

    Thanks to holly, i feel creatively inspired, i’ve made new friends, i host the london bloggers group where we’ve already had 5 meet ups since byw and I’ve been to my first bloggers conference, the hive in berlin, where i met even more fantastic bloggers.

    I am truly humbled and greatful. Holly, you started off just blogging but who knew you would literally change people’s lives? You changed mine.

    How to celebrate? Have you heard of a virtual party? Of course you have! Yes, people, i will celebrate online with the start of byw2.0. What better way i ask you? So, here is to many more blogging birthdays, many more courses, conferences, friendships and humbling moments! See a lot of you in class!

    Ooops, it has been pointed out to me that it’s actually only 5 months since 1st january. Oh well, who’s counting when you’re having fun. I will leave this post in the sentiment it was written:)