Places & Spaces My Library

My Library – Maps

October 10, 2013

Greetings everyone. Today i have another my library find for you, which i think is absolutely gorgeous.

Maps, travel the world without leaving your living room – is a visual feast for readers of all ages, from the award-winning polish designers aleksandra and daniel mizielinski. Three years in the making, this hand-drawn book was first published in 2012 in poland under the title “mapy’ and has now been translated and has its first publishing in the UK and australia by big picture press

By now you’ll know that i often buy what might be termed ‘children’s books’ because, simply speaking, they are far better and more beautifully illustrated. This book, atlas, world map et cetera is nearly A3 in size and is totally engrossing and stunning.

It reminds me a little of monocle’s exquisite world map (not such a bad thing, eh) and it oozes charm and vitality. It’s full of detail and curiosities. It’s educational, it’s colourful and it will lead to great discussions. Why, i hear you ask? Because children and adults alike might question what all these icons, landmarks and illustrations actually mean, which could lead to further research. On the other hand, a well travelled child or adult could make their own marks on cities and countries already visited and embark on their very own tailor-made and unique world atlas. I could also see the potential for writers here. Why not open the book at random, put your finger on a spot and write about it. The possibilities are endless. 

You won’t find much text or explanations and here the saying: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ really comes in to its own! Enough said, all i will add is that this atlas presents six continents and 42 selected countries and i cannot see any reason why this won’t become a best seller. 

Maps - the illustrated atlas - colourliving

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Maps - travel the globe without leaving your living room

Isn’t it incredible? I’m always curious as to what age group these books are aimed at. Although probably for older, i would let a 6 year old play with it. Why not start them young! Any country you identify with? Any landmarks you want to share something about?

I’ve just found this. Apparently there are 8 different editions (languages):

Well, looks to me as if xmas presents for kids is sorted:-)

I keep saying it, but i do need a dedicated library in my next home! Happy weekend everyone.

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  • Reply Igor October 10, 2013 at 11:52 am

    Oh my, I do heart illustrated maps. As a kid in school, one of my favorite books was my ‘Atlas’ – I would even spend evenings at home traveling the world with my finger on the maps in the famous ‘Atlas’. Thanks for reminding me of this sweet childhood memory!

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:08 pm

      I know exactly what you mean and this book definitely has the same sort of feel. I’d say it’s a little retro in its illustrations and the paper used.
      The famous ‘Atlas’ seemed to scary when I was young but also exciting! 🙂

  • Reply Louise - 30s Magazine October 10, 2013 at 11:58 am

    Love it! It reminds me of my youth when we had books like these in school. Would be great if I can get my hands on a Dutch translation for my nephew.

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:09 pm

      I’ve sent you the link to the Dutch version. Would make a great present for your nephew but also for the parents:-)

  • Reply Doris October 10, 2013 at 6:05 pm

    Oh I love a good map book. Such lovely illustrations and visually stunning. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to look at atlas’ in the library and dream about what those places might be like. xD

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      Haha. Yes, I think we’ve all gone down memory lane here. Truly fascinating stuff. Little J a little to young for it yet:-) but you are not! x

  • Reply Vanessa October 11, 2013 at 7:40 am

    What a wonderful find these are! A bit like Igor, my sister and I both adored looking at an Atlas trying to work out where all of our multinational family lived in relation to us.. We also dreamed of new and adventurous locations where we could travel to!
    Although I would need no excuse to get one of these beautifully illustrated books, I do have a 5 year old boy who is full of questions at the moment about the world he lives in (and the universe!!) so I think this is a must for Christmas!
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:13 pm

      Hi and thank you for dropping by:-)

      I think you’ll absolutely adore this book and so will your son. I see it a little as an Atlas for the 21st century with old fashioned values (if that makes any sense). Instead of just having a normal Atlas it provokes questions and answers and leads to discussions… truly magical!
      I think it would make a fine Xmas present and I shall get some to give away myself!
      Glad you enjoyed this!

  • Reply Gerard @WalnutGrey October 11, 2013 at 11:03 am

    Such a wonderful looking book Tina and I can imagine you being like a child in a candy store with this. Some great illustrations on there too!

    Now I have a question. Is Ireland represented on there or just the UK? I would love to buy this for my nephew but feel – at no fault of the authors – that their UK view is a little bit skewed. Some might argue about London being the UK capital too 😉 It’s a bit like Monocle’s map using a guard to represent the UK & Ireland… there’s an English bias.

    I know you’re probably ready to hit me over the head, but even children should have a more accurate representation of political & geographical regions in the world.

    Great pictures from you 🙂 x

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:16 pm

      Hahaha. You know me well. BUT, you’ve also seen my flat. How many more books and such big ones can I have? Oh well, if it means to get rid of some clothes (I don’t wear) so be it…
      I’ve actually got tons of storage in here. My problem is I like everything displayed:-)

      Happy to have proved that the Ireland is represented, albeit not as elaborate as you might like:-) I also like that they have an English and an US English version.

      Hope you might consider it for your wee gorgeous nephews. xx

  • Reply Gudy Herder October 11, 2013 at 11:31 am

    Christmas gift is sorted for me, myself, just mine 🙂 I love everything about it. Maps have become so trendy, don’t they? Have a wonderful weekend, Tina!

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:17 pm

      Hahaha. That did make me laugh out loud. I so get you…:-)
      Careful it’s huge and I think you would appreciate the paper it’s printed on. Thank you Gudy and happy travels to Shanghai x

  • Reply Tracey@chalkboard living October 11, 2013 at 2:21 pm

    Gosh i love this book so much. Slightly reluctant to share my copy with the kids. The flag page is awesome. You must look at Mamoko too by Big Picture Press. It is so good!x

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:20 pm

      So happy you got it and we were able to share notes. Photos never do books like these any justice. It’s just amazing, right?? I say, keep a copy for yourself – it’s definitely earned a space in my library!

      Yes, I did already look at Mamoko. Looks brilliant too. Great minds think alike et cetera.
      Hope you guys are well xx

  • Reply Parisbreakfast October 11, 2013 at 2:58 pm

    Fabulous book!
    Lurve maps in any form
    Merci Tina

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:21 pm

      It’s really magnificent Carole. You’ll appreciate it took them 3 years.. and yes, we all seem to have gone MAPS crazy.
      Real Map mania happening at the moment.

  • Reply Alison Sye October 11, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    I would never tire of this book, I absolutely love it and intend to go down to Waterstones and look at it in the flesh on Sunday in my lunch- hour (if the rain stops!)

    • Reply tina October 11, 2013 at 7:22 pm

      Let me know what you think. I don’t think I would tire of it either x

      • Reply Alison Sye October 11, 2013 at 7:39 pm

        I know I will like it already.

  • Reply Holly October 13, 2013 at 12:28 pm

    These maps are beautiful!

    I love how you describe the uses this book could serve Tina! Especially your suggestion for writers.

    I’ve been planning to make a map of berlin for my sister marking all the spots with notes and illustrations of where we went together when she visited last, but still haven’t go around to it 🙁

    This post reminds me I should get on that 😉


    • Reply tina October 13, 2013 at 11:43 pm

      Oh, that map sounds like such a lovely idea and would make for a great present for your sister. Those things always take so much time.
      Hope you get it done sweetie xx

  • Reply geraldine October 14, 2013 at 12:17 am

    I’ve definitely got to get this for little M. He loves looking at maps and his atlas. I actually love the way it’s set up, less word, more pictures makes it more appealing to explore what the story is behind each image. A great book to look at before travelling to a new country with the kids. I can learn a lot too. Have a lovely week tina. x

    • Reply tina October 15, 2013 at 1:49 pm

      You have to!!! It’s really very gorgeous as well as educational and inspiring. You’re right, the heavy visuals makes it even more appealing for many kids (and adults alike:-)
      This one will be cherished in your household x

  • Reply Chi @ 106 October 15, 2013 at 10:26 am

    I fell SO hard for this book when I read your post that I ordered it on Amazon straight away. It arrived yesterday and L ADORES it!!!

    She’s learning about the different continents at nursery now so it couldn’t have come at a better time – thank you, darling, for the recommendation! 😀 x

    P.S. I’ve also earmarked the Monocle map. I think I just heard my wallet say, “Ouch!” 😀 😀 😀

    • Reply tina October 15, 2013 at 1:47 pm

      I’m glad you got it for L and that it’s come at the perfect time. Aren’t you loving it too?

      I’ve got 2 of the Monocle prints (still need to frame them which is shocking I know) Their printing is just sublime!!!
      I’ve seen the world map framed in their shop. You will love it. I vouch for that!!

      Yes, Tracey also recommended Mamoko and will look up H.O.U.S.E..
      I was surprised there wasn’t a website but then that made it even more special (in some sort of strange way) xx

      So delighted you’ve launched your online childrenswear shop…

  • Reply Chi @ 106 October 15, 2013 at 11:25 am

    P.P.S. I also ordered Mamoko at the same time and H.O.U.S.E. Don’t you just wish Aleksandra had a blog? Her illustrations/work are so charming! 😀

  • Reply Catherine October 16, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Such a wonderful book that children and adults would love. I remember my older daughter receiving a book like this as a gift when she was around 8 and we loved reading and looking through it together, fascinated by how people live in other countries. xx

    • Reply tina October 17, 2013 at 12:18 pm

      I love how it’s taken 3 years and now been translated into so many languages. Books like these will never go out of fashion.
      What a great present for an 8 year old. Beats plastic toys any day:-) xx

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