As the months go on, my sketching has become more irregular. There are some days that I don’t even open my sketchbooks. Maybe the title of daily sketching was a little ambitious but actually, does it matter? I guess not!
For new readers, here are some more of my older sketches.
I’m feeling quite fired up as I’m taking Lisa Congdon’s new ‘More Sketchbook Explorations‘ class on Creativebug, so there’ll me more sketching from me in the next few weeks.
It’s been a couple of months. Here are the fruits of my labour. Hope you enjoy them. I certainly enjoyed sketching these.
A different approach to houses, city scape and buildings.
I wondered what toning down would look like. I love the idea of different grey shades.
Something completely different and fun. Popular amongst the more colour shy. I like the notion of people ‘being different’ and tried to illustrate this here.
Another city scape. Whatever made me start the one below???? Madness, really but utterly satisfying once you complete it. I’ve said it before, some of these are rather therapeutic.
Ah, the unfinished masterpiece. Just kidding. Unfinished it is, yet I rather like that… maybe I will finish it, who knows.
Some floral delights. Colourful, freestyle and vibrant. Feels good after some intense city scapes.
Inspired by photos of the Cinqueterre in the golden hour, this was a lot of fun!!
My geometric piece where I mostly used a ruler. I fancied another version of ‘be different’ plus another trial of showing a neighbourhood. Do you like it?
Some floral outline in pretty colours. Quick and satisfying.
New York by night! This took ages and made me squint. The overall piece looks better together.
After visiting the Anya Hindmarch pop up Service Station in Selfridge’s car park I came home inspired and drew this.
This is my first piece for the new class with Lisa Congdon. Each week there’s a new lesson. For this week I shall experiment with this technique.
Enjoying exploring different backgrounds. I’ve used magic markers here. God help me to find a way to draw on top and make it stand out. Wish me luck.
That’s it. Not too shabby. I feel I’m improving and most importantly I’m having fun and am using my creative muscle in the drawing and sketching department. Thank you for all your support and encouragement, both here on the blog and also on Twitter and Instagram. For those who would like to view my individual full spreads, head over to my Instagram page and look for the #colourlivingsketchbooks.
Wow A-Mazing work!!
Lisa C. Is terrific. I should take her class…liberating.
Thank you so much… do take her class. Although you are an established artist you will enjoy it!