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    London Life Places

    Queens Wood Local Nature Reserve

    August 29, 2013

    It’s still summer, right? Right!

    Let’s pretend last saturday never happened. Apart from the downpour that day we have had glorious weather. Wasn’t yesterday stunning? Well, i live in north london and am blessed with parks and woods galore within a 3 miles radius (or thereabouts). I love that about living where i do and although i’m certainly an urban chic, getting out into nature is most important.

    Today i’m going to introduce you to another secret hangout. It’s not that no one knows about it. It’s just that on the opposite side of the road you’ll find far larger woods that seems to attract more people. Great, i say!

    So, it’s bank holiday monday afternoon and off we trotted to queens wood local nature reserve. Queens wood is one of four ancient woodlands in haringey, the others being highgate wood, coldfall wood and bluebell wood. All of these woods are thought to be the direct descendants of the original ‘wildwood’ which covered much of britain until about 5000 years ago.

    Queens wood is an ancient oak and hornbeam woodland, characteristic of the region, and was probably coppiced until the mid 19th century. Coppicing is a woodland management technique, where certain trees are periodically cut back to provide a crop of wood, and then allowed to re-grow from the cut stumps.

    I love it because it’s wild! You’ll see that although it was very sunny and hot, some parts are rather dark and therefore cool. Dogs love it there too! Don’t for a minute think i had trouble taking photographs without any people around. Nope, it’s always like this. Every few minutes you’ll pass someone and most of the time get a very friendly ‘hello’. How nice is that in the middle of a world city? 

    I love how the light changes with every footstep you take.









    The paths lead to various exits. At the end of the walk it’s always nice to have a cuppa and something to eat.


    The queens wood café is open daily and the adjacent organic garden only mondays and thursdays.



    A substantial menu, wouldn’t you say?


    By the time we got to the café it had closed so nothing for us this time:-(


    I hope you all had a good bank holiday and that wherever you might be in the world, the sun is shining down on you. Happy weekend my friends.