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    A Review of 2014

    December 22, 2014

    2014 has been an incredible year in more than one way. I do like to end the year and take stock of what has gone before. This helps me to appreciate all the things that went well or maybe not so well and encourages awareness as well as learning.

    At the beginning of each year I like to choose a word for the year to accompany me on the journey. I find it very useful in helping me to stay on course. The word for 2014 was collaboration. ‘Collaboration is working with others to do a task and to achieve shared goals.’ (source: Wikipedia)

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Sparkling gold bird clips from VV Rouleaux

    This year has seen me turn 50. For anyone interested, the world hasn’t gone under. Nothing has changed. As with so many things in life, it’s all about attitude. If you have a positive attitude towards life, you will always see the glass half full.

    This year has also seen the launch of Mapology Guides, a project dear to my heart. I can’t wait to continue building the brand and start work on the second series. We’ve loved all the write-ups and mentions. Thank you to all that have been so supportive.

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Beautiful Corsage from VV Rouleaux

    I decided to mark my turning 50 and launching Mapology Guides with treating myself to my long wished for Eames EA217 Soft Pad Office Chair. I’ve always wanted it in yellow. It arrived a couple of days ago and I will dedicate a post to it in the new year.

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Guy Drayton from Geoffrey Drayton fine-tuning my Eames Chair on delivery.

    I also loved being a part of the Urban Jungle Bloggers series each month and have dedicated a category to it. Thanks to them my abode and roof terrace have got much more attention and I love living surrounded by plants and greens.

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    VV Rouleaux at Christmas. ‘Wooly Bark House, Ashness Bridge’ by Annabel Lewis 2014. Welsh Mountain and Charollais sheep fleeces from The Lake District, Cumbria. First exhibited as part of C-Art in Extraordinary laces, hosted by The National Trust.

    2014 was also very busy in terms of Home Finding and a big thank you goes to all my clients that put their trust and faith in me to find them a wonderful home.

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Woman’s bust in mirrored mosaic stones on sale in a shop in Camden Lock.

    There is so much to do in 2015 but I believe in completely shutting off, taking a well deserved break, doing some much needed house chores and office de-cluttering. I definitely need a mental as well as physical break.

    Beautiful coloured Moss seen in Selfridges.

    Some festive feathers.

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Some Christmas tree decorations.

    How are you my lovely readers. What are your plans for the festive holidays. Are you celebrating with your family and friends. Are you having a quite time? Do you like to reflect over this period? Are you planning for 2015? I would love to know. Will you share?

    A review of 2014 - colourliving
    Loved this simple Christmas decoration on a blackboard in a small café.

    I suppose the New Year resolutions are going to start shortly. But before this, may I take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for always stopping by, for reading, commenting, for sharing on Social Media and for making my blogging so much fun. Without you I would have far less motivation.

    I’d like to wish you a fantastic break, wherever you are and however you might be celebrating it. It’s also a time to remember that some of us don’t have families and might be lonely over this period. If you know such people, do reach out. Sometimes just a greeting and a listening ear can work wonders. It’s really not all about shopping, presents and outdoing the neighbour or Santa (as we like to refer to it at Mapology Guides). It’s about being together and appreciating what we have in life.

    Go well, have fun and I see you all back here on Monday 5th January 2015.