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    Creativity Corner Creative Projects

    learning the art of patience

    February 18, 2012

    In another lifetime, (sometimes it really feels like it) i decided to do a part-time jewellery course. I suppose after studying graphic design i realised that being creative has many outlets and it would be fun to explore some of them.

    I remember the first time the teacher told us to get a solid piece of silver. Going to the jewellery making suppliers in hatton garden was really exciting but when i bought the silver i wondered how on earth i would make a product out of it. Of course, with the help of the lovely teacher, i soon discovered the laborious task of beating a piece of silver into a bracelet, ring or other object. It took me a few weeks to make a hairpin, my very first piece of jewellery.

    With time i got to know about casts and precious and semi-precious stones and a whole new world opened up.

    What did i learn from this? Well, i soon discovered that long-term jewellery making was not for me. It did not ignite my fire or get me that excited. I think i simply enjoyed learning how to make it, the intricate methods and the end result. Ironically, now i hardly wear any jewellery at all.

    There was an invaluable lesson though: learning the art of patience. I went into jewellery making a pretty inpatient and fiery young woman. Out came someone, who understood that things take time, they have their own cycle and we cannot force or control them. Patience is a virtue and i’ve become a master at it.

    Where do you fare on the patience barometer? Any anecdotes or lessons to share?

    Here is a selection of some of the jewellery pieces i made. I also really got into beadmaking, which i still enjoy today. I predominantly use japanese delica beads.