Happy New Year!
It feels good to be here. 2016 was a rather turbulent year for me (and for many others), so I’m very excited to turn a new leaf and welcome 2017.
Today I’m going to tell you a little bit of my journey with health and weight issues and of the most wonderful discovery I made in late October 2016 that I know will change my health and in turn my life. It’ll be a longish read so you might want to get a cuppa and make yourself comfortable.
I grew up in a family where for a girl/woman to be thin was the ultimate goal. Being a little chubby at three years old, my mother thought it was wise to start me off on diets (true story). This became an ongoing theme and throughout the years I was sent to family members who devised semi-starvation diets for me, right through to many health farm and clinics, where in one of them I stayed for a six-weeks fast. Coupled with a traumatic childhood, it won’t come as a surprise to you that I developed an eating disorder.
Move forward to 1992, after a spectacular nervous breakdown, I visited my very first nutritionist. She took me off sugar, wheat and dairy and this was the first time I learned about ‘real and organic’ food. As I had simultaneously started psychotherapy, I was on a healing path. Since that year I have taught myself everything about wholesome healthy foods and have enjoyed this new way of eating ever since.
I was riddled with skin problems, digestive disturbances, anxiety and weight gain which led to various health problems. I don’t drink alcohol (ever), don’t smoke, spend most of my money on organic/biodynamic food and try to have a ‘fairly’ stress-reduced lifestyle.
Not having had the greatest experiences with doctors (they know nothing about chronic disease and mysterious illnesses), and now completely alternative, I visited every nutritionist, naturopath, holistic practitioner and integrative medicine doctor that I thought highly off. People who know me will know that I’m rather resourceful and seek out great advisors. I probably could have owned another property in Islington with the money I spent on visits, tests, supplements et cetera. The sad thing is that NOTHING worked, despite my greatest efforts, dedication and positive attitude.
Now in my early fifties, with the beginnings of the menopause, I felt my health deteriorate even more in the past couple of years. I even got Tinnitus in 2015. Again, when seeing the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, he admitted that the medical profession has no clue why this condition arises and what one can do about it.
All I know is that I’ve tried everything in my power and I’m experienced enough to see the signs of a woman who was slowly but surely loosing faith that she will ever feel the way she ought to. As a Leo with a fighting spirit, (and with personal problems thrown in the mix in 2016) my positive nature and overflowing enthusiasm for life and all it offers was starting to dwindle, an alien concept to someone like me.
One day in late October, while reading the latest goop blog, I stumbled upon this article on Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium. He (and spirit) helps people heal & overcome illness and disease. I was very intrigued and immediately downloaded his first book on Kindle.
OMG – I cancelled my whole day and read all 300 pages in one go! I knew immediately that I had found ALL the answers to my health and weight issues for the past 23 years. Yes! You read that correctly. 23 long years…. I felt it in my body that this will CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR ME! And I couldn’t be happier and more greatful!
The information in the medical medium’s book is revolutionary. After 23 years of reading about health and food I’ve become a semi nutritionist myself. What I read made 200% sense and a lot of it is DECADES ahead. I won’t say anymore because I’d like people to read it for themselves. His books should be on everyone’s reading list and in every school, institution and medical centre. In fact, forget getting flowers, chocolates or alcohol as gifts for people. Just send or take them one or both of the medical medium’s books. That’s what I’ve done and will do so throughout 2017!
I now found a way to heal – and the best part is that I can now heal myself, without having to rely on health practitioners. I feel so empowered. Two weeks ago I completed the 28-day cleanse. (more on that next time) OK, this is going to be an ongoing series here on the blog where I’ll be documenting my healing journey. Look out for the next in this series (Lifestyle – Wellbeing) where I’ll share what I identified I’m suffering from and what I’m currently doing to reverse it. Meanwhile take a look at the Medical Medium’s website, which has a wealth of free information. If you know anyone that is suffering from chronic or mystery illness, do share the medical medium’s information with them. Personally I think EVERYONE would benefit from this groundbreaking information. #justsayin
Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal
Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables
My word for 2017 is ‘Healing’. Have you got a word for the new year? Thank you for reading.
© All photography by Tina Bernstein