Hello lovely people. Today i’m checking in from germany. I’ll be brief because it’s my birthday. Yay!!
Now, i have a rule. Never work on your birthday and today is no exception. I’m celebrating with friends and loved ones.
This year is different to all other years because i also have my blogging family and friends. You have no idea how much you contribute to my enjoyment of life. I look forward to writing every blog post. You challenge me to be a better photographer, writer and story teller and i love you for it. In return, i hope to inspire you with some of my content. Every time i get a comment it lights up my day.
So, I’d like to thank every single person who takes the trouble of reading, tweeting, commenting or simply takes an interest in what i have to say. My world would no longer be the same without you. I feel really blessed and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope you all have a great week and i will see you back on thursday! xx