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    Creativity Corner Vive La Différence

    Vive La Différence – Supper Club

    May 2, 2013

    Hello everyone. Hasn’t the weather been rather glorious?

    This vive la différence was scheduled for last monday but i decided to leave my last post on for a whole week. So my poor guest, who was super early with her submission, has had to wait a little longer. Never mind that, you guys had to wait longer too:-)

    So, without further ado, let me introduce this month’s guest – the lovely nicola from teaandgee. Most of you know her as the ‘tea lady’ but she has many strings to her bow. She’s a talented interior designer and an avid knowledge junkie. There is very little in the design world she doesn’t know about! The funny thing is that nicola never offered to join this. I simply asked and she agreed! (note to myself: must try that trick more often!)

    For new readers:

    The concept: each month I will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image/vignette. There are 20 themes and 20 objects for my guest to choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then create an image/vignette based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a drawing, a collage, a hand-painted image, a styled table top… the choice is yours! The fun part is that you, my readers, will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.

    Nicola chose the theme: supper club with the objects: flowers, glassware, food. Here’s her take on this.

    It’s April and a Full Moon. Spring has finally sprung. Blossom is blooming and buds show hope and new life, a fresh start to the cycle of the year. At last we can prepare the earth for future feasts. Today has been a good day for gardening; on our allotments, in our gardens large and small, in Bacsacs on our roof terraces, in containers on our balconies, in hydroponic window boxes on our sills, in Sky Planters in our kitchens, in woolly wall planters on our walls, even our jewellery. It came as a surprise to some to start seeing empty shelves at the supermarket and the only way forward as a nation was to Grow Our Own so we’re all doing it now, at schools, at clubs, in shared garden schemes and at home, whatever the size and space. This evening, a biodynamic tribe have come together to celebrate with the first Supper Club event of the year. All have brought some of their harvest to share, the first asparagus spears of the year are steamed and large bowls of fresh salad with herbs and garlic from the square Bacsac kitchen garden and a kitchen herb stand are prepared. A long table has been made ready outside with a sense of anticipation, an opportunity to decorate ready for the dramatic presentation of the lovingly grown and prepared food and flowers.

    Late hellebores, white narcissus, scented viburnum and euphorbia decorate the table, Neon glass bottles are filled with filtered water, English Garden Pillar candles are lit, subtle Vessel lighting is around and blankets are ready on the back of every chair. A log fire is lit nearby with the tribes’ cuttings. Everyone is pleasantly tired from their day of physical work, relaxed and enjoying their food and drink. Discussion is of the main crop potatoes, globe artichokes and onions planted amongst borders today, the thyme and chives in window boxes, the rocket and lettuce in neat rows and rills, all planted with the cycle of the moon to grow better and taste better and to be shared at the next Supper Club. All are happy to be eating with friends, meeting new people and sharing their abundance, more connected to the seasons and cycles and more aware of the natural world around them. 

    Vive la Différence - Supper Club - Nicola Trottman-Green

    Supper Club credits

    First row left to right: Woolly wall planter by Woollypocket, 2013 Garden Calendar from Rifle Paper Co, containers from Bacsac, photograph of green bowl of food by Jason Lowe, Sky Planters in kitchen by Boskke.

    Second row left to right: Photograph of box of artichokes by Jason Lowe, pink Potato Planter by Turtle bags available from Clifton Nurseries, Tables and chairs image of Fiat Lounge by Arianna Lelli Mami and Chiara Di Pinto of Studiopepe, Herb Stand by Jakob Heiberg for Normann, English Garden Pillar Candle by Restoration Hardware.

    Third row from left to right: Blackboard Hydroponic planter by Modern Sprout, Supper table Author’s own, yellow trolley by Fréderic Sofia for Fermob, log fire by EcoForest, Vessel cordless LED lights by Smart and Green, asparagus from Author’s supper table.

    Fourth row from left to right: outdoor cushions by Fermob, wal/ planter in sitting room by Woollypocket, jug of hellebores and viburnum Author’s own, Wearable Planter by Colleen Jordan for Vespoe, Neon bottles from Oliver Bonas, Nehalem blanket from Tanner Goods.

    Many thanks to Tina Bernstein for letting me loose on this opportunity
    Photographs of artichokes and green bowl by Jason Lowe
    More information and all the research on Pinterest here
    Article written in longhand with a sprout pencil that was then planted.

    Supper Club Extraordinaire 

    It’s 2013 and the UK is definitely now regarded as a world food destination. Having arrived here in 1980, when good food was non-existent in this country, I am very pleased the food scene in the UK has changed so much over the past 30 years. However, what does not please me is the new trend of ‘gourmet’ food products, which are filled with non-nutritious ingredients. The ethernet is full of people blogging, instagraming and tweeting about macarons, cupcakes, muffins et cetera. Although fun and yes, even pretty, these so called treats should come with a health warning! On a recent trip to the Royal Academy, I was horrified to see that in the members café, which was full of elderly people, they served nothing but cakes, biscuits and sandwiches in many different varieties. It all looked scrumptious, but on closer inspection it’s all very starchy, full of fat and sugar. There wasn’t an apple or other fruit in sight!

    I belong to the small percentage of people that mostly lives Dairy, Gluten and Sugar free and I was delighted when Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest book arrived on our shelves. It is so important that high profile celebrities get behind this very real issue of eating for ‘health’, while still tremendously enjoying your food. As a self-confessed foodie I know that the best food is additive free, left in its purest form and grown organic and seasonal.

    With this in mind, let me invite you all to the first Dairy, Gluten and Sugar free Supper Club. (imaginary) I have hand-made the invitation and am going to show you how I shop for food in London (reality). Why don’t you join me on this little shopping trip for the best food and ingredients to be found in London.

    Earth, Bumblebee, Planet Organics and Wholefoods – all my local health food shops that I visit regularly for staples.
    Leila’s shop, for delicious and extraordinary produce. I’m always excited like a kid when I enter this food emporium ad Leila is one amazing woman.
    Spa TerminusFern Verrow for all my biodynamic produce (my absolute favourite for the past 15 years. Jane is a genius!) – The Butchery, meat doesn’t get any better than this. I love Nat!
    Frank Godrey for fantastic meat and the best veal in town. Meek and Wild Fishmonger – because I’ve known Paul forever and he’s passionate about great fish!
    Islington Farmers Market – OR Marylebone Farmers Market – both on a Sunday
    La Fromagerie – because I met Patricia in the 80’s when she first had a bread and croissant stall in Camden Lock and she’s so passionate about great food!!

    There you have it. I frequent in all of these ad mix and match. So, anyone fancy coming to my Supper Club? Do RSVP!

    Vive la Différence - Supper Club - Tina Bernstein

    Thank you nicola for all your efforts and so many interesting links. I love your supper club. Maybe we could combine efforts?

    I am still as excited as a kid by this weather so let’s hope the bank holiday weekend does us proud. Whatever you might be up to, i’ll be back here on monday. Hopefully see you then. Happy munching!

    NOTE: I’ve had numerous requests by email to join my dairy-gluten and sugar free supper club! Unfortunately the invite is imaginary and only devised for this exercise here. Maybe one day i will host such a supper club, but for now, there is none scheduled. Thank you!