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Table settings

    Places & Spaces Urban Jungle Bloggers

    UrbanJungleBloggers – planty table setting

    May 17, 2016

    The photo above shows a just fallen flower of my Medinilla Magnifica. I made this Tinyjohn terrarium with London Terrariums at Hato Press a few weeks ago. My Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolour Sketchers Pocket Box.

    Glad to be able to join the Urban Jungle Bloggers theme this month.

    Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series, devised by Igor and Judith. The idea is to get some green into our homes, especially for us urban folks! Every month they invite bloggers to share ideas for creating an urban jungle through styling challenges, DIYs, green tips and tricks. Every month there is a different theme on the topic. You can follow and get more urban jungle bloggers inspiration on their Pinterest boards and Facebook page.

    May’s theme is: planty table setting.

    This month we were invited to use plants for our table setting. As well as with my green guests, I also wanted to share my table with my beloved art materials. That’s why in this table setting, food and drink aren’t really the heroes.

    No self-respecting table setting would be complete without some succulents. I’m sure you’d agree with me. For those interested my melamine plates are from French Bull. I’ve been collecting them for years. The watercolour set is from Winsor & Newton. You can’t really see the image on  my moomin mug. My own drawn colour chart. The rubber vase contains many of the art materials I use daily.

    UrbanJungleBloggers - planty table setting // colourliving

    I love this terrarium, lovingly restored by Jin from Conservatory Archives. The succulent in it is growing a flower. Note the amethyst. Meet also my two other succulent guests. They are actually dating and joined the dinner party late. Part of my gel pen collection. My 36 Gansai Kuretake Japanese watercolour set.

    UrbanJungleBloggers - planty table setting // colourliving

    I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting some of my guests at this planty table setting. Come and join us!

    © All Styling and Photography by Tina Bernstein
