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sketchbook from southern france

    Places & Spaces My Library

    sara midda

    March 1, 2012

    Over 20 years ago, while browsing in the beautiful and charming shop that is primrose hill books, i came across an english author and artist/illustrator called sara midda 

    Jessica, who runs the bookshop with her lovely husband, had signed copies as sara was a local artist. I bought in and out of the garden and was instantly smitten. It evoked the english gardens of sara’s childhood and had the most glorious delicate illustrations and hand painted text. Dozens of illustrations would keep me fixated to every page while reading the subtle descriptions of time spent in the garden.

    A couple of years later, when sara midda’s sketchbook from southern france was published, i thought i had found heaven. At that time i spent many weekends and holidays in the south of france so it had even more meaning for me. The sketchbook is a personal journey of sara midda, filled with illustrations and observations from her travels in the south of france. It is utterly exquisite with the finest of watercolours. There is no real order except that the chapters are organised by months.

    As you can see I was hooked. My next purchase was the delightful and playful growing up and other vices. A true representation of the mystery of childhood and a little tongue and cheek on the imperfections of adulthood. A subject close to my heart. The delicate watercolour drawings lend themselves perfectly to this kind of story telling. A really inspirational book. To accompany the book there were some limited edition prints of the drawings featured in the book. I am lucky i bought one.

    And finally maybe even my favourite, although they all are. Sara midda baby book, a practical but magical album filled with unexpected touches. The binding itself is worth the price. The book comes in it’s on cover with yellow plastic screws. Just delightfull.

    I must have bought this baby book for over 10 girlfriends when they had their first born. No one ever used it except my friend nathalie, remember my post on miss lecroc? Well, in true fashion she has made use of my gift. Here are some of her adorable illustrations. All the following illustrations are copyright of nathalie lecroc.

    Gorgeous, no? And to top it all off, a few days ago i received an envelope. When i opened it i saw the following:

    Nathalie had sent me a stamped watercolour card for for me to sign and send back. I thought surely this is a mistake. Yesterday i got a card from her explaining the situation. It seems this is a present for me as a thank you for blogging about her, which resulted in getting some commissions for bag paintings.

    So, my friends, after 13 years i will have yet another painting of the delectable nathalie of yet another bag and its content. It feels like going through another life stage. The best part, I’ll be the only person in the book with having got her bags painted twice. Both as presents! Mind you, this could spur a whole new angle to the project. Volume 2, the before and after! I have not formally thanked nathalie for her generosity so i thought it would be nice to read about it here. Merci beaucoup. Je t’embrasse et à bientôt.