Hello everyone. For some change, i thought it would be fun to highlight some of the fantastic architecture and landmarks of this great city. Night shots are great but as this is colourliving, why not emphasise a little with some artistic licence, or err, photoshop! So, here they are, some of london’s landmarks at night!
I will never tire of seeing st. paul’s cathedral from any angle. It is one of my favourite landmarks in london.
The wonderful shell mex house (in the middle), at it’s best at nights.
County hall (to the right) is another stunning example.
Ah, our beloved millenium wheel.
I love how they light up the concrete buildings at the south bank at nights.
It did strike 9pm just before i took this photo of big ben.
Tower bridge and pink? Hmm, but i urge you to drive over it at night when it’s all lit up. Magical!
Have you visited any of these landmarks and which ones are your favourites? Happy weekend everyone. Don’t forget, the clocks go back on saturday night. Early darkness is upon us.
Looking forward to publish another creative process post on monday. So long folks!
PS. Hot off the Press – I’m going to a rather special Designer Breakfasts next Tuesday 29th October at the Design Museum.
Paula Scher of PENTAGRAM, is without doubt one of the most influential and brilliant designers around. Why not join to ask Paula (live from New York) your questions and hear her honest and sometimes controversial thoughts. This is Designer Breakfasts first international tie-up, Breakfast in New York, Tea in London!
You can join the audience at the Design Museum London by booking here
OR watch it live (and free) by signing up to our Google+ Hangout or visit YouTube on Tuesday 29 October at 16.30 GMT. Simply follow @DBREAKFASTS #askpaulascher