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    40 Facts (about me)

    March 5, 2015

    I’m back.

    40 facts about me - colourliving

    Yes, only a mini vacation but boy did it do the trick. The most glorious sunshine and vista recharged my batteries and restored my energy. I needed this badly!

    While there I saw that the lovely Jocelyn wrote a post with 40 facts about her. What a great idea to better get to know our fellow bloggers and online friends. I’m not sure it’s something going around the internet but I wanted to join in. Why not? I always advocate authenticity and honesty. Here are 40 facts about me:


    I often believe I have an angel watching over me.

    I see the glass not half full but overflowing.

    I’m a true lioness (born in August).

    I’m an extremely loyal friend. Many people are fickle so I only consider very few people my true friends.

    My home is my oasis.

    I suffer from noise pollution and need a lot of silence.

    Cleaning is the most boring chore ever. There are always a million more interesting things to do.

    I never wanted to get married.

    It’s taken me a long time to trust a man.

    I love my own company and spend a lot of time alone.

    I suffered a major nervous breakdown at 26 which left me claustrophobic and agoraphobic. When stressed, I can sometimes still suffer from both in milder forms.

    I feel at my best when I don’t eat sugar, dairy or wheat.

    I’m not a fan of hanging out.

    I’m not keen on dinner parties or group outings.

    I prefer my cooking to going to restaurants.

    I’m a complete foodie and travel miles for the right ingredients.

    I can be very abrupt.

    Some people find me scary.

    I’m very emotional.

    I’ve always felt like an orphan and am more aware of this now I’ve entered my 6th decade.

    40 facts about me - colourliving

    Colour makes me happy.

    I found my 20’s and 30’s very challenging. I loved turning 40, my best decade yet.

    Going to the cinema is one of my favourite things and a complete escapism for me.

    I’m a true late bloomer.

    I don’t possess an iron or ironing board.

    I love children and will always protect them.

    I have little patience for adult’s dramas.

    I’m spiritual.

    My life is driven by passion.

    I love a tidy home.

    I’m not comfortable with moody people and have little time for them.

    I spend most on my money on art materials, books and great food ingredients.

    I’m passionate about natural, organic and seasonal food.

    I don’t shop in supermarkets. I support the small independent shops and farmers.

    Core values are extremely important to me.

    I need creative chaos in my office area.

    I struggle with my digestion.

    I have yet to be in a relationship with an emotionally intelligent and available man. I’m determined to reach that goal before I die.

    I’m an eternal student of life.

    I’m always true to myself.


    Eek, that was revealing. Oh well, now I’ve written it so no turning back. Would you like to join in?

    It seems like this idea of #share40factsaboutYOU is taking off. I will list here some that are participating:

    Jocelyn – The Inner Interior
    Yvonne – The Girl in the Laundromat
    Mel – Armoire, Pegs & Casserole
    Catherine – Farmhouse Home
    Anya – Anya Adores Design
    Anastasia – Stil Zitat
    Angela – DesignHaus No.9