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Seth Godin

    Creative Living Creativity Corner

    creativity – books giveaway

    May 30, 2013

    Hello my friends.

    A lot of you will know that i have a monthly series called the creative process here on the blog. I’ve always been fascinated by creativity and it’s process. I thought it’s time to have another giveaway and since i’m an eternal student, i tend to encourage reading and love for people to be inspired by books.

    I looked through my shelves and picked out books that have helped shape my thoughts and ideas around creativity. Some you might know or own, others could be new to you. Have a look through and see what takes yor fancy. Some are real classics and would be found in any respectable home library. In the spirit of ‘our times’ please feel free to ask for e-books should the chosen titles be available in that format.

    These are the rules: One winner will receive 3 books of their choice. Please leave a comment and tell me which 3 books you would like. If you wish you can also say why you’ve chosen those 3 titles. The giveaway will stay open until thursday 13th June 2013 at 6pm GMT. The winner will be chosen by


    Books from the top:

    1.   steal like an artist – austin kleon
    2.   lateral thinking – edward de bono
    3.   the back of the napkin – dan roam
    4.   how to have kick-ass ideas – chris barea-brown
    5.   serious creativity – edward de bono
    6.   the tipping point– malcolm gladwell
    7.   blink – malcolm gladwell
    8.   made to stick – chip and dan heath
    9.   unleashing the ideavirus– seth godin
    10. ignore everybody – hugh macleod
    11. how to think like leonardo da vinci michael gelb
    12. the creative habit – twyla tharp
    13. the artist’s way – julia cameron
    14. thinkertoys – michalko
    15. think like a genius– todd siler
    16. a whole new mind – daniel h. pink
    17. here comes everybody – andy boynton, bill fischer
    18. make the impossible possible – bill strickland

    I hope that you find something of interest to you. I’d love to know which titles appeal:-)

    Happy weekend. It feels rather like autumn here in london so, no doubt, i’ll be snuggling up with some books and magazines and eating yummy food!

    We have a winner. Thank you to all who entered!

    winning number

    Congratulations to Nicola of teaandgee. Your chosen books will be with you in a couple of weeks.