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reclamation yard

    London Life Shops

    aladdins cave

    September 3, 2012

    Picture the scenario. It’s friday afternoon. I just finished a lengthy meeting in Bromley. I’m looking forward to the weekend. The weather is still nice for this time of year. I’m riding around on my vespa and feeling free as a bird. I’m plotting what to have for dinner when i pass something on my right that makes me stop in my tracks. I turn the scooter round and, out of sheer excitement, drove right into the courtyard.
    ‘Do you mind putting your scooter outside on the road please’, i heard someone say….

    That was my first encounter with aladdins cave.

    You are greeted by a cornucopia of stuff. Initially, you’re not quite sure what exactly this place is. Quickly you realise it’s a salvage/reclamation yard! I don’t think i’ve been to something quite like it before. It’s huge, it’s unique and best of all, it’s quirky. Christine, who has been there for the past 11 years, right from the start, has this to say: ‘we have roof to floor and so much more, old to new, come and view.’ Yep, I assure you she’s right. It’s bonkers and fabulous all in one!

    Remember, I just stumbled across this place so didn’t have anything particular in mind. You might have a shopping list or just want to browse. Make sure you allow for lots of time. Have a good rummage through. It’s fun and worth it!

    And now for some more familiar objects.

    It’s really an aladdins cave and although i went back yesterday I still feel i haven’t seen everything. What i loved is how christine and her team are constantly changing stock around. I suppose that’s part of the charm but also necessary as new stock comes in daily.

    And this below is what i came away with. A car drive and two strong male helpers later, the water fountain is now firmly installed on my roof terrace. I’m enjoying the soothing trickling water. Now let’s hope for a sunny september. This week certainly started well:)

    Do you like rummaging around salvage yards? Have you been to aladdins cave? Happy september everyone! Anyone else looking forward to london design festival?