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    Creativity Corner Vive La Différence

    Vive La Différence – A Date with Myself

    April 1, 2013

    Happy easter monday everyone. I hope you’ve all had a most joyous time so far.

    It’s vive la différence monday and today we have a special treat for you map fans out there. Let me introduce this months’ guest. Chi from 106 kids. Chi is a talented blogger and children’s wear designer.

    For new readers:
    The concept: each month i will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image. There are 20 themes and 20 objects my guest can choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then also create an image based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a line drawing, a collage, a hand painted image, a styled table top, the choice is yours! The fun part is that you guys will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.

    Chi chose the theme: a date with myself with the object: maps. Here’s her take on this.


    As a working mother of one (soon to be two!) I used to regard time alone as a luxury, a guilty pleasure even. Since discovering The Artist’s Way last year, I have begun to see things somewhat differently.According to its author, Julia Cameron, it is absolutely imperative that we – as innately creative beings – set aside a day a week in which to nuture the mind, body and soul of our inner artist child. Like all children, this one thrives on fun and frivolity.

    I’ve recently been guilty of letting the so-called busy-ness of life get in the way of this soul-nourishing practice and so to get myself back on track (and for your delectaction) here is my fantasy date with myself.

    I’d like to set the scene, if I may. I’d set off from the Northamptonshire countryside with The Gentlewoman – my new favourite magazine –  tucked reassuringly under my arm. The rousing strains of Rufus Wainwright’s Release The Stars would waft over me as I leafed through it, momentarily transporting me to another time and place …..

    Vive la Différence - A date with myself - Chi Feasey

    Having been a fan of The Artist’s Way myself for the past 20 years, I thought it might be fun to show you all the benefits and learnings i’ve taken with me since introducing the concept of a date with myself into my routine. I still regularly do them!

    Here’s a little scenario:

    I set off on my Vespa bright and early, having loosely decided on an area of london. Armed with a notebook and pen i might first chose a nice coffee place and consume some fresh mint tea or something similar. In the days of the paid Time Out i would now take a peak and see what exhibitions are on, what film is showing or what new shop has recently opened. These days you’ll find me carrying my camera in case of visual stimulation i can use for my blogging. The point of just ‘being’ somewhere, without a fixed agenda is to see where it all takes me. Sometimes i find myself talking to a stranger who will inspire me with a thought, a comment etc. Other times i will see something, whether on poster or in the street that will spark off an idea of where to go next. I always follow my gut instinct and i try not to look at my watch and be seduced by forward thinking and planning. I like the atmosphere to carry me along, listen to my thoughts and experience being in the moment. I can honestly say that every time i come back refreshed, with new knowledge and with some newly found creative ideas. Best of all, I have taken myself on a date and feel very cared for!

    Vive la Différence - A date with myself - Tina Bernstein

    Thank you chi for taking the time and enriching us with your map and journey.

    Both chi and i were students at anne dietmeyer’s excellent class: map making: learn to communicate places beautifully I believe that anne is teaching this class again on 28th may. Get in touch with her if you’re interested. Both chi and i didn’t manage to submit any maps in time so this, anne, is for you from your loyal students. I cannot recommend her class enough. It’s full of amazing students, excellent resources and an ace teacher:-) Oh and skillshare is an excellent platform for learning. I am totally hooked!

    Happy week everyone. It’s a short one. See you back here on thursday!