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    Places & Spaces Whilst Away

    Walnuts Farm – A Bloggers Day Out

    April 10, 2014

    What do bloggers like best? Yep, it’s a get-together in a stylish place with lots of food, laughter, props, photography and some mad antics. I give you a day at Walnuts Farm.



    Organised by the lovely Emily, we all arrived from all over the UK and Europe, excited as kids for our play day. Here you see her excitedly receiving her thank you bouquet of flowers from us all.


    Armed with cameras, tripods and some enthusiastic styling agendas, we each roamed freely to explore every nook and crook while chatting away and doing our thing!



    The chickens and Turkey were our companions. I ask you, wouldn’t you stand proud in all your glory if you looked like this turkey?


    I told you we had fun. Who says, swings are just for kids? I think Igor here is getting a Nikon camera lesson from Bridgee. Meanwhile Geraldine was looking pretty in her yellow dress and teal blue Hunters.


    I adore these Craspedia, also known as Billy button flowers.


    Inside the farm it was as charming as expected. Full of taste and interior splendour, we made ourselves comfortable and of course snapped away to our heart’s delight.


    Shabby chic? You decide!


    I was loving all the details and personal touches of the family’s possessions. How gorgeous are those kettles?


    Out of the 11o emails or so swirling around communicating about our day at the farm (who’s counting) a fair few were about the food. Who’s bringing what? Are we having catering? Shall we have a picnic? What does everyone eat and not eat (that would be me:-)

    Oh, and the much coveted Diet Coke. (Emily, you’re lucky I didn’t take a shot of ‘you know what’) LOL. People schlepped their melamine ware, baked, cooked, made sure that everything looked pretty and tasted amazingly.

    I just couldn’t resist this shot of Yvonne (see below, bottom right) looking like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth! Yeah, right:-)) A huge congratulations to Yvonne for the release of her wonderful first book, which I absolutely loved. I cannot wait for the English edition to come out in February 2015.


    Ah, lucky us that Kat arrived with great props for afternoon tea. As someone who UNFORTUNATELY can’t eat scones, jam or cream I couldn’t resist this beautiful strawberry jam jar by the Hambledon. Look at those roses, crazy big and beautiful! The spring wreath is also Kat’s doing and you can find the ‘how to’ on her blog here.


    I ask you, can I write a post about a happy day at a farm without showing you the #happyman himself? Obsessed with #urbanjunglebloggers, Igor was doing his thing!


    Some of the beautiful details you will find at the farm, should you visit.


    OK, to finish off, the obligatory group shot! Thank you to Kat for organising so expertly by even bringing a remote control so she could be in the picture and we could have loads of takes and have tons of fun! There are more serene versions, but hey, after all we were mad farmbloggers for the day!

    Farm Bloggers-74
    Group photograph by Kat ©
    Back row – left to right: Kat, Yvonne, Bridgee, Lottie, Me. Front row – left to right: Geraldine, Emily, Igor, Heather, Catherine

    No doubt there are different accounts of the day from everyone present so make sure you check out their blogs! Thank you to Walnuts Farm, Emily and my fellow #farmbloggers for a super day. See you all soon, some of you at Blogtacular!