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    Creativity Corner Vive La Différence

    Vive La Différence – Young and Free

    August 19, 2013

    Happy monday. We have take-off for year 2 of vive la différence and I’m very excited about the next 12 months. What challenges will I have to face? What little beauties and masterpieces will my guests submit? No pressure people. (Am only kidding:-)

    My guest this month is Lena, author of Minamoka. Lena describes her blog as “making, finding, sharing + anything design with a story behind. For big and small. From Berlin and beyond.

    For new readers:

    The concept: each month I will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image/vignette. There are 20 themes and 20 objects for my guest to choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then create an image/vignette based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a drawing, a collage, a hand-painted image, a styled table top… the choice is yours! The fun part is that you, my readers, will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.

    Lena chose the theme: young and free with the objects: food and art supplies – Here’s her take on this.

    Hello dear colourliving readers, I’m happy to be a guest at this wonderful place today – thank you Tina for inviting me over!

    Tina said she didn’t know what went through her head when she came up with the theme Young and Free – I don’t know what went through my head when I picked it, but there I was…

    Young and Free is a term that has been abused so much by the advertising world: “Buy our clothes! Smoke our cigarettes! Drink our whatever, and you’ll be, feel and look young and free!”. It is covered by a huge crust of clichés that I had to get rid of in my head first to find out what it really meant to me. I’d like to think of it as a state of mind: Thinking without borders. “Thinking without a handrail” (Hannah Arendt came up with this term – and it kept popping up in my mind when I searched for my definition of “Young and Free”).

    I think to achieve this state of mind you need to be A: a genius or B: not older than 3 years. I’m not a genius, so I got myself some help from a natural free mind and dived into a little experiment: Take the two objects I picked – food and art supplies – and a young and free mind and see what happens.

    Et Voilá! Tina, I hope you like our little mixed media art piece/collage as a late birthday present!

    Vive la Différence - Young and Free - Lena


    Lena is right! I have no idea what went through my head when I listed the theme of Young and Free. When sitting down to work on this I remembered: it was purely to describe a state of mind.

    So, we know I’m not a genius and unfortunately I didn’t have an under 3 years old helper to hand:-) so what to do? Well, what I do know is that for me personally – emotional freedom, financial independence and spiritual awakening have always been high on the agenda. Reflecting on reaching half a century next year (eek) I based my vignette on the freedom and playfulness I experience in my daily life. The freedom to be the authentic me, to spend time with people I choose to and to do and go where my heart desires. What is age amongst friends? I certainly feel Young and Free and hope to still do so in the next half a century!

    Vignette: recycling of some of my Birthday cards. (Paperchase, M&S, Anthony Frost, NYC Envelope & globe tag by Papermash), Vespa drawing by me. Foods used: Blueberry, Fig, Peach, Strawberry. Paints: Brilliant Water based Dyes by Koh-I-Noor.

    All unused fruits were consumed by me afterwards:-) #nowastagehere

    Vive la Différence - Young and Free - Tina Bernstein

    Thank you Lena & Co. for my Birthday present! I love it! Thank you for your time, enlisting help:-) and for playing along. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Ha! Can’t remember the last time I played with food:-)

    I hope you’re all having a good start to the week. Make the most of the weather. Hopefully it will stay nice for a while longer. See you Thursday.