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Mapolology Guides

    Creativity Corner Creative Projects

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides

    July 1, 2016


    Today I’m very excited to announce the launch of two out of three brand new Mapology Guides.

    It’s been a while. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly when you launch a brand new concept that most people aren’t familiar with it’s always nerve-racking and a risky business. Every start-up is risky but new territory is doubly so. In the end I’ve always believed you’ve got to ship and learn about mistakes later. Seth Godin says it so much better than I ever could. So we took all the feedback, good and not so good and re-grouped.

    Secondly, collaborating takes time. Whatever you calculate, think double that! I’m hoping it will get easier and faster but it takes time for our contributors to go through our process and fully understand the Mapology thinking method.

    What is the Mapology thinking method, you may ask? Have a little read here.

    Oh, for those wondering why there’s a picture of the two new maps together with our What’s Bugging You? map. It’s been so popular that in response to the demand, we decided that we should curate some new maps on related topics.

    OK. Unveiling….. drum roll please……

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    How to Make Better Decisions //Concept and Design Mike Abrahams and Tina Bernstein // Illustrator Sarah Edmonds // Writer Robert Twigger

    Do you struggle to make decisions, from what to eat for lunch to asking for a pay rise? Do you panic at the thought of dealing with your dilemmas? Imagine if decision making was easy. How to Make Better Decisions contains an algorithm with nine tools which should help you resolve any dilemma, quickly and easily.

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    Detail of How to Make Better Decisions map

    Best of all, it works and is a lot of fun to look at. Why not give it a try and let us know how you got on.

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    Detail of How to Make Better Decisions map

    Now to our second new map.

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    Let’s Negotiate //Concept and Design Mike Abrahams and Tina Bernstein // Illustrator Ana Jaks // Writer Daniel Dresner

    Hands up who thinks they negotiate in their relationships? Hmm,we do it on a daily basis with loved ones, friends and family, often unaware that we’re actually doing it. As very few of us are trained in how to negotiate, many situations can end in misunderstanding at best and conflict at worst.

    Let’s Negotiate contains 15 beautifully illustrated fun tips to help you hone those skills. That way you’ll be better at navigating the inevitable choppy waters of every relationship.

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    Detail of Let’s Negotiate map

    The tips here can be useful for all sorts of relationships, including housemates, lovers, enemies, the list goes on.

    Launching Brand New Mapology Guides // colourliving
    Detail of Let’s Negotiate map

    All photography © Mapology Guides Limited

    Here we are with two brand new maps and a third still in the works. Obviously we can’t tell you much more at the moment as the project is still under wraps, except that we’re collaborating with the lovely people at Second Home, the workspace and cultural venue for thinkers, makers, artists and entrepreneurs. Watch this space.

    OK, now the hard work starts. The new maps will be in shops within the next few weeks. Meanwhile you can purchase them in our online shop. Our Mapology Guides family is growing….. and I couldn’t be prouder.

    Oh, before you go, one more thing. We’ve also officially just opened our offering with partnerships. It’s not what you’re probably thinking right now. No frocks are being made or pottery being fired in kilns. Why not have a quick glance.

    Right, I would really love to know in the comments what you’re first reaction is to our new maps.








