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    Places & Spaces Urban Jungle Bloggers

    Urban Jungle Bloggers – Hanging Planters

    February 26, 2015

    Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series, devised by Igor and Judith. The idea is to get some green into our homes, especially for us urban folks! Every month they invite bloggers to share ideas for creating an urban jungle through styling challenges, DIYs, green tips and tricks. Every month there is a different theme on the topic. You can follow and get more Urban Jungle Bloggers inspiration on Pinterest and on Facebook.

    February’s theme is: hanging planters

    To be honest I didn’t quite know what to do or where to go to find some nice hanging planters. One always sees such beautiful ones online but where exactly do they come from? In the end I wondered whether it’s so difficult to make a macrame hanging planter myself. I wanted to keep it basic as time is short and my DIY skills not majorly fantastic.

    I saw some beautiful macrame hanging planters offered in online shops . I took a closer look and thought, hey this isn’t so difficult to do. What do I need? I got some cotton rope (bit thick), fished out my bag of embroidery floss (I have tons), got a keyring from a hardware shop and enlisted the help of the boyfriend to work out knots and measurements. Hey presto, half an hour later I had a pretty presentable hanging planter.

    I’m not good at DIY tutorials so won’t even attempt it. There must be 100’s out there explaining how to do this very simple hanging planter. Now I’m dreaming of doing some with beads and braids…. any ideas where to go for these are very welcome!

    Now what to put in it? Look what I found. The most beautiful and colourful Spider Lily. Now how to keep it alive!

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    Love this side view

    urban jungle bloggers - hanging planters - colourliving
    Aren’t the colours simply divine and if you look closely, you can see the little flowers coming through.

    urban jungle bloggers - hanging planters - colourlivingSimple embroidery floss wrapped around the rope at the top and bottom holds it all together and gives it ‘that look’.

    urban jungle bloggers - hanging planters - colourliving

    After I had done my first hanging planter in white I remembered that I had bought this yellow rope for my roof terrace. I got the wrong thickness of rope so had a lot of rope to play with. Of course, now I had to make another hanging planter in yellow (what punishment for a colourlover). I had bought a couple of keyrings so had all necessary materials ready.

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    This second one took less than 20 minutes to do. Once we worked out the system it was easy to adapt measurements.

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    Hanging in situ

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    And here’s my second, slightly smaller one with different coloured embroidery floss. I found a lovely Jasmine plant and rather fancy the green and yellow hues. They really make me think of spring.

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    Showing off some knots and embroidery floss wrapping.

    I really enjoyed doing this and although I have low ceilings and no more hanging space, I would love to make many more hanging planters. I cannot wait to see what everyone else has done and look forward to new ideas for different hanging planters.

    There won’t be a new post on Monday so I see you all back here next Thursday.
