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    Creativity Corner Vive La Différence

    Vive La Différence – The Simple Life

    January 13, 2014

    This is the first Vive la Différence post in 2014 and I can’t wait to introduce more fabulous and talented bloggers!

    First up, all the way from Barcelona, is Gudy Herder, the author of Eclectic Trends. Gudy is an interiors stylist, international trainer for visual merchandising, trend observer and passionate ceramist. Gudy was born in Germany and has been living in Barcelona for the past 25  years.

    For new readers:

    The concept: each month I will invite one blogger. They will create and showcase one image/vignette. There are 20 themes and 20 objects for my guest to choose from. They choose 1 theme and up to 3 objects. I will then create an image/vignette based on their choice. Everyone has free reign on how to create the image. It can be simple photography, a drawing, a collage, a hand-painted image, a styled table top… the choice is yours! The fun part is that you, my readers, will see 2 versions inspired by the same subject matter. There is no right or wrong. There’s just ‘different’.

    Gudy chose the theme: The Simple Life with the objects: Fabrics, Food and Flowers  Here is Gudy’s Vignette.

    I like this series a lot. When Tina asked me to participate I was more than happy since Vive la Différence includes a styling concept and the surprise factor not knowing what she will come up with.

    I have chosen The Simple Life because this is what I am longing for. A simpler life in every sense, starting by getting a bubbling mind focussed and concentrated on a few and real things. I had worked already with a slow concept and wanted to break down this time what simplicity and joy means to me.

    There are flowers, of course. Sometimes fresh, picked up or just dried. It’s so good to be surrounded by nature when you live in an urban environment as I do.

    Food is another passion of mine, I really like good food. Not necessarily only the gourmet style but honest cabbages, courgettes and cauliflowers are just perfect for this time of the year.

    So, why not combining them by creating a moody flower veggie theme?

    Tina, thank you so much for inviting me to this fun contribution! Wishing you and your readers a mindful and very happy 2014!

    vld -Simple life_ still life | Gudy Herder___________________________________________________________________________________

    The Simple Life could not be more perfect for this time of the year and for 2014. Apparently the theme for this year is ‘Mindful Living’. Talking about stripping it back, well I went right back to the beginning, right back to Adam and Eve.

    I used some sparkly gold bookbinding cloth (as fabric) and painted the tress, layering them with some Japanese Decorative Paper (leaves), some gold glitter large circle stickers by Inkkit (cut out as leaves and then used the remnant as a kind of sun like shape, representing my flowers ).

    The red squiggle on the left bottom is meant to be a hint of a snake! I had some green sparkly stones over from mt Xmas cards. The Adam and Eve drawing/painting I found on the internet, but there was no reference to it. (Apologies to the artist)

    The apple represents my food object. And then there is a LOT of Photoshop to create the moody feel. The original was very bright, gold and sparkly and I wanted it to work in more harmony with Gudy’s image.

    vld -Simple life_ still life | Tina Bernstein

    Thank you Gudy for starting off VLD in 2014. I’m already feeling calmer, thanks to the choice of theme and your image. May this feeling last for the rest of the year. I love the title: moody flower veggie theme…. great!

    Stay tuned for the next instalment on February 10th. Happy week everyone!