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Hannah Waldron

    Places & Spaces My Library

    My Library – London Design Guide 2014-2015 Edition

    September 9, 2013

    We’re well into september, the temperature has dropped quite significantly, it’s monday and we have another my library post!

    Next week sees the beginning of the london design festival, the most anticipated design festival in any designer’s calendar. The festival guides are out and i’ve already got my copy and am getting rather excited.

    In addition, the hot of the press, spanking brand new london design guide 2014-2015 edition is about to hit the shops. Some of you might know my friend max fraser. He’s the founder of spotlight press, an independent imprint that publishes the london design guide and other titles. He’s also the deputy director of the annual london design festival.

    We have a running joke that i’m his number one fan. To get in on the joke, read my interview with mr fraser here. Btw, the girlfriend has now become the wife, so hands off all you lovely ladies!

    The very first london design guide was the 2010 edition. Next came the 2012-2013 edition which is now superseded by the new 2014-2015 edition.

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    Isn’t the cover great? It’s designed by hannah waldron. Max commissioned beautiful covers for each edition. I see my guides more like collectors items.

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    So what is the london design guide i hear you ask?

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    It’s filled with great content on the city’s design retailers, galleries, museums and bookshops. This third edition features details and reviews of more than 150 new and established hotspots across the capital. You’ll even discover where to eat or have coffee. There are detailed maps to show the various neighbourhoods. Whether you’re a tourist or a londoner, you’ll find this guide invaluable and will want to have it to hand anytime you are looking for design related inspiration.

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    Additionally you’ll also find interviews and themed essays with shop owners on their views of the future of bricks and mortar retail. I can’t wait to dig in properly and look forward to discovering new gems and new destinations.

    The London Design Guide - Colourliving

    Now, i’ve got my signed copy but max has very kindly signed another one and sponsored this giveaway. The guide is officially available from the 12th september but you can win it right here, right now!

    These are the rules: one winner will receive a signed copy of the london design guide. To win you have to leave a comment, tweet about this giveaway and why not tell us what you love best about the design scene in london. The giveaway is worldwide and will stay open until thursday 12th september 2013 at 6pm GMT. The winner will be chosen by and the book will be dispatched the next day.

    Good luck.


    We have a winner. No.7 won. Gerard  – Congratulations. 
    Everyone else – thank you for entering. I hope to see some of you during the Design Festival.