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growing herbs

    Places & Spaces Urban Jungle Bloggers

    Urbanjunglebloggers – Kitchen Greens

    January 14, 2016

    It’s the first Urban Jungle Bloggers post of 2016. For my previous editions, see here.

    Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series, devised by Igor and Judith. The idea is to get some green into our homes, especially for us urban folks! Every month they invite bloggers to share ideas for creating an urban jungle through styling challenges, DIYs, green tips and tricks. Every month there is a different theme on the topic. You can follow and get more urban jungle bloggers inspiration on their Pinterest boards and Facebook page.

    January’s theme is: ‘Kitchen Greens′.

    C’mon in….. Here’s part of my kitchen. I really appreciate the very big and wide windows I have and the view!


    I just had to get this gorgeous hydrangea the other day. The colours….


    OK, not a plantie thing but isn’t this egg holder just the best? It literally cheers me up every day.


    My kitchen shelves are mainly used for herbs. I grow herbs on the roof terrace but in the winter months I supplement with bought ones. I also love to keep succulents. My aloe vera plant is growing a bit out of control.


    This little baby below was given to me by a dear friend. It always reminds me of palm trees.


    Some of you will remember my Spider Lily from a previous hanging planters post.


    I also keep one of my Terrariums in the kitchen area but as I have an open plan flat it’s all a bit of a mix and match situation and I like moving things around.

    I hope you’ve enjoyed my kitchen shelfie. I look forward to having a browse in your cuisine.


    This post will stay live until Monday 25th January.