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Graffiti in Berlin

    London Life Places

    Graffiti and Street Art

    December 15, 2014

    Happy new week everyone. Woa! What weather we’ve been having here in London. Cold (mild for December), crisp and sunny. The perfect combo! On one hand that’s wonderful. Of course, there’s the worry about climate change and what it’s doing to our planet.

    After an incredibly stressful week I had this real urge to go and fill up my creative well. A long and colourful walk was much needed. One is never far away from incredible inspiration in London. The city is bustling with creativity and visual fodder. One such fodder is graffiti and street art. I’m proud to live in a city where this form of expression is welcome and in abundance. I already blogged about graffiti in Berlin.

    Here’s some I found in Camden Town.

    How striking is this tribal figure? It really made me stop in my tracks.

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    A rather nice hand painting.

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    Ok, maybe a little on the macabre side but I loved the colour combinations. Reminded me of spring clothes. What do you say?

    graffiti and street art - colourliving

    graffiti and street art - colourliving

    Yay! Sarcasm or not?

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    Digging the Nike trainers!

    graffiti and street art - colourliving


    graffiti and street art - colourliving

    graffiti and street art - colourliving

    Loving the geometric shapes here.

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    Something floral….

    graffiti and street art - colourliving

    I felt completely inspired after seeing these. See you Thursday!