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    Creativity Corner Sketchbook Explorations

    365 Days of Creativity

    January 11, 2016

    A belated happy new year dearest readers. I hope you’ve all had a good break. How has January been treating you so far?

    I’m really glad I’ve had this time to reflect about whether I wanted to launch a 365 days project and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not what I want at all. I think what I was trying to do is make sure I keep up my sketching and creativity in general. What I realised over the break is that I seem to do that anyway.

    As luck wanted it, a while ago, I stumbled across a free class on Skillshare entitled create a cityscape with Adobe Illustrator. I bookmarked it and over the break, on one Sunday afternoon, I decided to get to grips with it. I must admit my Photoshop skills are good but I’ve always struggled with Illustrator. A few hours later, voila, the finished cityscape. I loved every minute of doing it and learning more about Illustrator.

    365 days of creativity

    There are so many fantastic courses on Skillshare and Creativebug. I want to do more of them.

    So, once I decided I’m committing to 365 days of creativity instead of a 365 days project, I felt free and inspired. Once again, Lisa Congdon’s new daily drawing challenge came at the exactly right time. Start day was 1 January 2016. Task: draw a different object for 31 days (we were given the list of things to draw).

    To be honest, my drawing isn’t very good and I tend to sketch cityscapes and patterns instead of drawing objects per se. I’ve been really enjoying it because it forces you to really look! We are a third way through but you can join at anytime and as ever, my fellow students are very encouraging and damn talented.

    I sketch in my square sketchbook with white pages, but for this post here I decided to give the drawings coloured backgrounds. Which one is your favourite?

    365 days of creativity
    Day 1 // Draw a Tree

    365 days of creativity
    Day 2 // Draw a Teacup

    365 days of creativity
    Day 3 // Draw a Chair

    365 days of creativity
    Day 4 // Draw a Leaf

    365 days of creativity
    Day 5 // Draw a Rose

    365 days of creativity
    Day 6 // Draw a Sneaker

    365 days of creativity
    Day 1 // Draw a Pitcher

    365 days of creativity
    Day 8 // Draw a Cat

    365 days of creativity
    Day 9 // Draw a Bird

    365 days of creativity
    Day 10 // Draw a Mushroom

    For now I feel really inspired to continue and no doubt I’ll join some other class and do more sketching like I did last year. I’m proud of myself that I’m now into my second year of regular sketching. Long may it last.

    Have you started a special project?