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    Lifestyle Wellbeing

    Medical Medium – The 28-Day Healing Cleanse

    January 10, 2017

    Continuing from my last post about my new discovery, today I will talk about my self-diagnosis and the 28-Day Healing Cleanse I did.

    I’ve been alternative since 1993 and don’t take any medication of any sorts. I believe in natural remedies and strengthening your immune system throughout the whole year. This and my beloved bone/chicken broth has prevented me from getting ill for the past 20 years. I think I had a cold in late 2012 for a couple of days.

    OK, so what was my diet like before I discovered the Medical Medium book? You already know that I pretty much stay off sugar, dairy and gluten (most of the time). I’ve always believed in the stone age diet (Paleo Diet). Our hunter-gather genetic make-up is designed for the consumption of wild plants, animals and seafood. We are even less genetically suited for modern processed foods, such as sugar, refined fat, et cetera. During the last 10,000 years there has not been enough time for natural selection to make genetic changes to our relatively new farm-based diet. Farming includes grains, legumes and dairy product.

    Hunter-gatherer foods include: Meat | Eggs | Seafood (fish and shellfish) | Root vegetables that can be eaten raw | Fruits | Nuts | Seeds | Herbs and spices | Vegetables | Honey, maple sugar, date sugar (natural sugars). I also eat sweet potatoes and ALWAYS make bone broth (for the past 20 years, before it became trendy!) I mostly drink water, herbal tea, fresh mint tea, water with lemon and ginger and don’t drink normal tea or coffee.

    We are NOT designed to eat: Grains | Peanuts, beans, peas, cashews, tofu, soy milk, flour (legumes) | Root vegetables that cannot be eaten raw (potato, tapioca, parsnips, sweet potato, yam) | Refined sugars | Separated fats and oils | Foods that contain yeast | Juices, sodas, coffee | Alcohol | Dairy products | Processed meats | Salt

    I eat mostly organic and biodynamic and cook from scratch most days. Yet I always had a bad digestion, bad skin, a sluggish liver and am overweight. As I mentioned in my last post, things were getting worst in the past couple of years.

    I devoured the Medical Medium’s first book in a day and after having read heaps and seen a lot of health practitioners about my health issues for the past 23 years, I self-diagnosed the following:

    I have the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and for sure have a toxic overload of heavy metals. These are the main culprits for wreaking havoc on my whole system. As a direct result I’m suffering from a sluggish or fatty liver and thyroid issues and also adrenal fatigue. Weight management is impossible, even if I eat very little and the right things. I’m constantly bloated! My Hydrochloric acid is non-existent.
    I also suffer from rosacea and other skin issues and often have achy joints (especially in the knees).

    The best news is that it’s all REVERSIBLE and simple to do.

    All this is related. In the 80’s and 90’s Candida overgrowth was blamed for EVERYTHING and I remember being told not to eat many fruits as the fruit sugar would increase my already high Candida score. That information somehow stuck and I noticed that if I had fruit with other foods, especially animal protein it would ferment in my body. As a result my fruit intake was minimal.

    I’ve always had a high protein diet (with lots of salad and vegetables), mostly from wild fish, some chicken and lean meat (predominantly wild meat). I don’t really eat grains and with no diary, sugar and gluten free, choices are limited. Fat came from olive/coconut oil and avocados and carbohydrates from vegetables. Pretty balanced diet! I now know that the overload of animal fat was making my liver even more sluggish.

    After reading the Medical Medium’s book, it’s become clear that having and abundance of raw fruits and many vegetables is imperative to healing many ailments. Now a raw diet is not really my thing. Following some Ayurverdic medicine I always prefer warm foods, like soup and stews. As I waited 23 years for answers, NOTHING was too difficult or problematic and I was just too happy to follow the Medical Medium’s exact protocol.

    I opted for the 28-Day Healing Cleanse which consisted of RAW fruits and vegetables and NOTHING ELSE. There are certain steps to follow that are imperative for healing from my symptoms.

    Here’s what I ate:

    Straight after waking – a tall glass of water with lemon squeezed in to wake up the liver.
    Before breakfast (on empty stomach) – 16oz of fresh celery juice (I juice a whole celery in my Vitamix and then use a nut bag to squeeze out the juice and separate out the pulp). Celery juice restores adrenals, the hydrochloric acid in my gut and improves kidney function (massively hydrating).
    Breakfast – Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie in my Vitamix – 2-3 Bananas (depending on size), 2 cups of wild blueberries (frozen), some organic atlantic dulse, freshly squeezed orange juice, 2 dates, 1 tsp Hawaiian Spirulina, 1 tsp Barley grass juice extract powder.
    Mid-Morning – fruit (anything from melon, apple, pear, orange, kiwi, mango, papaya, pomegranate), some celery sticks, 1-2 dates.
    Lunch – A smoothie – coconut water, fresh coriander, fresh spinach, 1 apple, some fresh ginger, some fresh lemon, 1 cup of mixed berries (frozen).
    Mid-Afternoon – some more fruits as mid-morning.
    Dinner – spiralized cucumber with homemade pesto, a big salad with lettuce, tomatoes, parsley, avocado, red onion.
    Before Bed – Another piece of fruit (the more the better).

    Here’s what I drank:

    Water with lemon and ginger, Water with Mint, Water with Cucumber, Herbal teas (specifically for healing my symptoms) Nettle, Dandelion Root, Raspberry Leaf.

    I pretty much ate the same for the 28 days, except for adding grapes, apricots, strawberries, changing salads around, introducing some grated carrots and beetroots.

    Colourliving // Medical Medium - The 28-Day Healing Cleanse
    After juicing a WHOLE celery in my Vitamix, I then use a nut bag to separate the pulp from the juice itself.

    Colourliving // Medical Medium - The 28-Day Healing Cleanse
    Here it is. Pure celery juice. Most days I drink a bit more than the 16oz prescribed, but hey, that’s ok. I actually love the taste!

    So what have I learned? I used to eat three times a day but heavier meals. Due to my condition I need to maintain blood sugar and glucose and really eat every 90 minutes to 2 hours. That’s really hard for me, but I know it will speed up my metabolism and help me heal. I actually don’t consume enough, but in time I will adjust.

    Doing the 28-Day Healing Cleanse in Mid-November to Mid-December isn’t maybe the best time but fortunately it was quite mild in London. Historically the last quarter is my busiest with work but hey, there’s no good time like the present. Anyway, as I don’t drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee, consume sugar, gluten, dairy or have any processed food, my detox symptoms were non-existent.
    I plan to do some form of the 28-Day Healing Cleanse on a regular basis, but maybe for a few days here and there.

    Colourliving // Medical Medium - The 28-Day Healing Cleanse
    Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie ingredients // Frozen Organic Blueberries – Bananas – Organic Medjool Dates – Hawaiian Spirulina, Barley grass juice extract powder.

    I can assure you I’m not becoming a vegan or vegetarian and the first thing I had after my cleanse was a cup of my beloved bone broth. I’m fully committed to getting healthy and I predict it will take me up to 18 months. I’m maintaining the cleanse routine up till and sometimes even after lunch and will do so for the next 18 months. In the evenings I will have something warm, a broth, some steamed vegetables and it will also contain a small piece of wild fish or organic chicken/wild meat.

    All I can tell you is that after nearly 2 months, uncomfortable bloating is a thing of the past. I’ve lost weight (eating far more than I usually do), my skin is so much better and my energy is nearly back to normal. I’m convinced that the Medical Medium’s protocols are the way forward and I have a better understanding of how to eat in the future. We’re all different and there’s no perfect diet for everyone.
    My biggest learning has been to not be frightened of consuming a lot of fruits and that I actually need to do this every day.

    I’ve always been preventative in my health management and believe in preventing getting cancer, heart disease or Diabetes 2 if I can.

    I’m now introducing some more supplements into my daily routine and will continue to share my progress here on the blog. If you have any questions, fire away.

    Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal

    Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables

    © All photography by Tina Bernstein








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