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Boho Berry

    Creativity Corner Creative Projects

    Bullet Journal

    March 10, 2016

    Hello people. How is it possible that I’ve only JUST discovered the incredible system that is the Bullet Journal, can anyone tell me?

    The Bullet Journal is created by Brooklyn-based designer Ryder Carroll. He spent 20 years developing the method so he could stay organised. It’s really like a modern Filofax (do you remember those?), a place to brain dump all your thoughts, organise yourself and use (or discover) your creative side. How brilliant is that?

    So what exactly is it? It’s essentially a coded system for organising your thoughts, ideas and to do lists. The magic is that you’re the creator of all of it with a blank book to do it in. Like with all great things in life, it’s in the journey. The fun part has been creating, adapting and personalising it to my own needs.  This is definitely one of those life changing methods for me and will help improve your life.

    Well, I came across it last Thursday night and probably spent the next 48 hours immersing myself in the life of bullet journalling. I’ve read numerous blog posts, watched videos and started obsessing about what spreads to create and how to keep a track of everything I do.

    A couple of days later I went and bought the much recommended Leuchtturm 1917 notebook and off I went.  I’ll never look back. As you can see I’ve even personalised the cover of my notebook.

    bullet journal // colourliving

    As expected, I cannot wait for this system to be perfect and work for me 100% every day but slow does it. I can assure you that I’ve already made great strides and don’t know how I managed without the Bullet Journal.

    As I’ve done all my research, the most inspiring woman using the Bullet Journal for me is Kara from Boho Berry. Kara has taken the Bullet Jounalling world by storm and has a dedicated Bullet Journal category on her blog. For now, I’ve copied quite a few things Kara has recommended until I find my own mojo with this. The ideas are already flowing. WARNING: you’ll spend hours and hours reading Kara’s posts and watching her videos!
    Thank you Kara for all your enthusiasm and for sharing  your pearls of wisdom with us readers.

    So, do you know the Bullet Journal? Are you already a user? I’d love to know.

    You can get Leuchtturm 1917 notebooks in many places. I’ve ordered some from First Stop who have a vast selection in colours and sizes and are very competitively priced. Have fun!!

    This post will stay live until Thursday 17th March 2016.