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    Creativity Corner Inspirational People

    The Five Things Book

    December 3, 2015

    Here’s the story so far! Paul McNally, Belfast-based graphic designer, chose as his final MA project to document people’s favourite ‘Five Things’. Basically, he wanted to know which five things mattered to them most and why! I immediately fell in love with this project, joined in, asked Paul for an interview and blogged about it.


    The idea spread quickly and now, after having collected an interesting variety of folk’s ‘Five Things’ Paul decided to take his project to the next level. Publishing the ‘Five Things’ book. “Five Things. A design-led book; exploring over 100 people’s five favourite things, along with the personal reasons for their choices.” Perfect for a Kickstarter campaign, wouldn’t you agree? The book contains many notable designers, musicians, photographers and loads of other interesting people from all over the world.

    Take a look here to see what it’s all about!

    I think most people underestimate the intensity and hard work that goes into preparing a Kickstarter campaign. Paul took on the challenge and I’m delighted to share that he’s reached his initial goal of £8,500 with still a week or so to go.

    Here are some spreads from the forthcoming book.




    Why not pledge? Have a look at the rewards and be among the first to hold this fine tome in your hands. Delivery is April 2016. Ships anywhere in the world. Personally, I cannot wait to receive my own copy.

    The best of luck Paul with the book and your future ventures.

    All images © Paul McNally Design Limited 2015.