Creative Living Creativity Corner

my first blogging anniversary – books giveaway

January 1, 2013

Happy new year everyone! Wow! Here we are. 2012, an epic year for the uk, is firmly behind us and it’s time for a new start.

There will no doubts be more posts on beginnings and new year resolutions, but for today i simply wanted to check in, say hello and let you know that today is officially my 1st blogging anniversary. It was exactly 1 year ago that i sat down and decided to commit to this thing we call blogging. Most of you know i blog twice a week, every monday and thursday. This will continue throughout 2013.

I thought long and hard about what to do for my blogging anniversary. I wanted to thank everyone for all your encouragement, all the comments you left and the massive support i have felt throughout 2012.

Christmas is over and i’m sure many of you have received wonderful presents. For me, one of the best presents I buy for myself are books. In the spirit of new beginnings and life-long learning i thought it would be fun to give away books to one lucky reader. Here below you’ll find a selection of the books i bought in 2012. I made this the reading list!

These are the rules: One winner will receive 3 books of their choice. Please leave a comment and tell me which 3 books you would like. Don’t worry, i’m not going to send the winner my own copies. New books will be dispatched:) If you wish you can also say why you’ve chosen those 3 titles. The giveaway will stay open until sunday 13th 2013 at 6pm GMT. The winner will be chosen by

books giveaway.

Books from the top:

1.   how to think more about sex – alain de botton (not shown in photograph)
2.   how to find fulfilling work – roman krznaric
3.   how to stay sane – philippa perry
4.   how to thrive in the digital age – tom chatfield
5.   how to change the world – john-paul flintoff
6.   how to worry less about money – john amstrong
7.   tout sweet – karen wheeler
8.   the $100 startup – chris guillebeau
9.   the start-up of you – reid hoffman and ben casnocha
10. the wonderbox – roman krznaric
11. imagine – jonah lehrer (will try to obtain paperback in early feb)
12. the burning house – foster huntington
13. one drawing a day – veronica lawlor
14. webs of influence – nathalie nahai
15. the fire starter sessions – danielle laporte
16. farm anatomy – julia rothman
17. the idea hunter – andy boynton, bill fischer
18. le road trip – vivian swift
19. junk genius – juliette goggin and stacy sirk
20. made by yourself – peter fehrentz (note, this is in german)
21. one – living as one and loving it – victoria alexander
22. mark hearld’s workbook

Right, i made you work a little for this as you’ve had to look up titles of the ones you don’t know:) anyway, i hope it was fun. All that remains is to wish you the very best of luck and a happy new year. May this year be filled with everything your hearts desire! Oh yes, and here’s to blogging!!!

Since this is a short week and many of us are easying ourselves back into work, I’ll keep this post up till monday!

Layout 1

We have a winner. Yay!

Congratulations to geraldine of littlebigbell. The books will be with you in a couple of weeks!

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  • Reply Doris January 1, 2013 at 10:47 am

    Happy New Year Tina! Funny, I buy books for myself all the time. I am so addicted to Amazon I should have shares! I also purchased the $100 Startup to read this year. Great competition and congratulations on your blogaversary! The 3 books I’d go for are: junk genius, one drawing a day, the idea hunter. See you in 2013! xD

  • Reply geraldine January 2, 2013 at 10:24 am

    Hi Tina, happy New Year! What an amazing collection of books. The $100 startup sound interesting – I like this concept of turning ideas into income, would be interesting to see how Chris does it. Second, no 21 – I fully believe in taking chances and trusting our own instincts concept, would be great to read more about the philosophy behind this. Last but not least, would love to find out the secrets behind the idea hunter. Hope to meet soon xx

  • Reply Will @ Bright.Bazaar January 2, 2013 at 11:25 am

    Fab line up of books, Tina! Very kind of you to arrange this giveaway – thank you. My choices would be numbers 7, 18 and 20 (although not sure if comes in English, but it does look fab!).

  • Reply Miss. Lucinda Fountain January 2, 2013 at 12:16 pm

    I would like to wish you a very ‘Happy New Year’ and all the best for 2013. I am also really pleased to have found your brilliant blog and look forward to being a new follower!
    The three books i would choose are;
    * mark hearld’s workbook- as the illustrations that i have seen (a few online from the book) look amazing and so imaginative. I am someone who is creative and loves art.
    * imagine – jonah lehrer. This sounds facinating as a creative person & writer on my first novel, i would love to read something like this!
    * the wonderbox – roman krznaric. This also sounds like a most interesting read and one that does apeal to me as an avid reader with a curious mind.

    Thank you once again. x

  • Reply Anya Jensen January 2, 2013 at 1:12 pm

    Dear Tina,

    Congrats to you and thanks for starting your blog so we can all enjoy it too. I love a good book, and the choices you have made are great. If I won I would be lucky to choose:
    One Drawing a day – because I really can’t draw to the amusement of my 6 year old
    Junk Genius – because that’s what I’d love to do
    Made by you – also what I’d love to do more of – and I even get to practice my school german:))
    Fingers XXX and HAPPY new year lovely Tina,

  • Reply Gerard @WalnutGrey January 2, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    Hey Tina. Happy one year anniversary & happy new year!
    I’m loving this giveaway. I included The School of Life’s “how to” series in a recent Christmas gift blog and so my three chosen titles come from them:
    How to find fulfilling work
    How to thrive in the digital age
    How to worry less about money

    And of course they’re good enough for Monocle and for you! Was going to buy them, but will see if I win first 🙂


  • Reply Judith January 2, 2013 at 10:08 pm

    “You can’t have too many books”. And the older I get, the more I crave books in stead of “stuff”. I think I would choose: Farm Anatomy, The Idea Hunter and Le Road Trip (about France… of course!). Here’s to a fantastic new blogging year, Tina! Tchin!

  • Reply Igor January 3, 2013 at 12:10 am

    Happy new year, Tina, and what a fabulous giveaway you are hosting!! Woohoo!! Well here are my three must-read choices. Very me!

    1. Tout Sweet: Hello! I need advices on moving to France. Bientôt!
    2. Le Road Trip: Mais bien sûr, my ongoing flirtatious relationship with belle France demands more literary foundation!
    3. Made by yourself: First, because this year I would really love to dive into the DIY world a bit more. Secondly, I read/understand/speak German. So viel dazu!

    Fingers crossed & thanks for this great opportunity!

  • Reply caroline @trend-daily January 3, 2013 at 1:05 am

    Happy first anniversary sweetie and congratulations on your great blog! Where has time gone? It’s been a fantastic year- I still feel like I’m finding my feet in the blogging world, but loving my new friends and community!
    What a lovely give away-I would choose
    Made by yourself, One, living as one and loving it and One drawing a day. They are all on my wish list for my birthday in April. See you soon! xx

  • Reply Zoe Brewer January 3, 2013 at 2:53 pm

    Happy 1st blogging anniversary lovely. Here;s to a fun filled exciting year ahead all round! A great set of books – I would choose:
    The Wonderbox – because other people’s stories of inspiration are the best.
    Junk Genius – because this year I WILL turn all my “collections” into pretty things – New Years Resolution no 1
    How to Stay Sane – because I need reminding sometimes! My new years resolution no 2.
    See you soon. Zoe.x

  • Reply annie January 3, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    Happy New Year Tina, I hope you’re feeling better poor thing?
    Hope you had a great time in the Motherland.
    that’s very generous of you to do such a fabulous giveaway xxx

  • Reply Louisa January 3, 2013 at 9:07 pm

    What a super fab giveaway, hope you are feeling better Tina!
    Bit of a pants on head way to start the NY with a flu bug but I know you’ll come back stronger!

    If I won I’d love:

    No. 9 The Start Up of You – I like to be motivated!
    No. 16 Farm Anatomy – I’m a total country bumpkin.
    No. 19 Junk Genius – it appeals to my inner recycler and I like the pictures on amazon.

    Louisa x

  • Reply noreen January 4, 2013 at 3:09 am

    hello tina,
    the idea hunter sounds interesting, and the “fire starter sessions” – no firemen required, i guess? happy 2013 to you, and i look forward to seeing your adventures in this new year! joy, n

  • Reply Catherine Bedson January 4, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    Hey Tina, Congratulations on your blogging anniversary and thank you for hosting this great giveaway. It’s a hard decision as to which books to choose as they all look so good! Here’s my choices: The Startup of You, The Fire Starter Sessions & The Hundred Dollar Startup. Hope your cold has disappeared. You’re freezing and we’re going through a 40 degree heatwave at the moment!!! Catherine xx

  • Reply Zélia January 4, 2013 at 8:13 pm


    thanks a lot for this giveaway !! So my favorites are :

    the burning house – foster huntington
    farm anatomy – julia rothman
    le road trip – vivian swift

    Thanks a lot !!!!

  • Reply Lindsey January 5, 2013 at 3:20 pm

    Fabulous giveaway! Really great selection of books. I’d have to go with #1, 7, 17 (love Alain de Botton!)

  • Reply vive la différence – a weekend by the coast » colourliving January 7, 2013 at 3:03 pm

    […] a great start to the week and i shall see you back here on thursday. Btw, the 3BOOKS giveaway is still open until […]

  • Reply Theresa January 7, 2013 at 11:22 pm

    Happy, happy new year, Tina! I’m slowly easing myself back in, trying to get my mojo back. For me, this is the greatest giveaway as you know how much I love books. Your selection is superb. I would love to win:
    Imagine by Jonah Lehrer
    How to Find Fulfilling Work by Roman Krznaric
    One Drawing a Day by Veronica Lawlor
    [fingers crossed]
    Tina, I recently just purchased Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and can’t wait to dive in. You give me the best book recommendations. Happy 2013 and blogging anniversary! Looking forward to another great year.

  • Reply Holly January 8, 2013 at 12:18 am

    Happy New Year Tina!! And Happy First Blogging Anniversary! You’ve accomplished such great things with your blog in one year, it’s truly inspiring. Here’s to more of that in year number 2 🙂

    This is such a great idea for a giveaway. I love how you set it up with the picture and all. Thank you for making this possible for your readers. How lucky we are!

    It’s so hard to choose as they all seem great. So here are my choices:
    1. mark hearld’s workbook (because I love picture books and I didn’t know of this artist before)
    2. the idea hunter (because we should all discover our inner idea hunter – very valuable)
    3. the wonderbox (because I learned of roman krznaric through you and because “every household should have one” of these books)

    Good luck to all!


  • Reply sue January 8, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    liking your work, as always! & happy blog anniversary to my little blog twin (though am suspecting i might be the runt of this particular litter)…
    here’s my choices…
    the wonderbox (because i’m always a sucker for books i think my boyfriend will enjoy reading as much as me… gives us something else to talk about!)
    one (i like the message of this book: accept who you are and who you can be)
    one drawing a day (i need to learn to mix things up!)
    good luck everyone, great competition!

  • Reply bn100 January 9, 2013 at 6:30 am

    Happy anniversary and new year!
    tout sweet
    Mark Hearld’s Work Book
    Le Road Trip

  • Reply Chi @ 106 January 9, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    Happy belated anniversary, darling! xxx

    What a great selection of life-enhancing books – thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!!

    Now let’s see …
    After much deliberation, I’m going for How To Thrive In The Digital Age, One Drawing A Day and One – Living As One And Loving It (of course!) 😉

    Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone! 😀

  • Reply the chocolate museum – cologne pt 1 » colourliving January 10, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    […] books giveaway is still open till Sunday at 6pm GMT. If you want a chance to win yourselves 3 books, enter by […]

  • Reply Louise de Miranda January 10, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    Just realized that I never left a comment to congratulate you on your anniversary. The germs must have been eating at my brains. If I had space for more books I would have definitely entered this give-away because there are a few interesting titles you have there.

  • Reply leah of sang the bird January 11, 2013 at 6:10 am

    Happy Blogiversary honey. I am so glad you have the beautiful space here, and that i can come and visit. I’m so glad to have met you!

    I would choose: One Drawing a day, Farm Anatomy and Junk Genius…

    Much love to you xxx

  • Reply Nicola January 13, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    Hello Tina and a Happy New Year to you too. I hope you’re recovered and rested from your New Year bug. I’d like to thank you for your year of blogging and your year of inspiration. It is not only your blogposts that inspire but your commitment to them and your hard work at it all.
    I’m impressed at your 2012 reading, I’ve just looked at mine and it’s mainly fiction. I have no.14 on my amazon list but I would also choose no.2 since your introduction and am intrigued by no 8 xx

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