London Life Exhibitions

Food Illustrations by Esther Cooper-Wood

February 23, 2015

Last week I went for some physiotherapy to University College London Hospital (UCLH). Happy to report that my frozen shoulder is healing very nicely and I’m looking forward to resume playing tennis in the not so distant future.

While there, I came across this lovely exhibition by illustrator Esther Cooper-Wood. A recent graduate from Cambridge School of Art freelance illustrator, Esther was exhibiting her food illustrations at The Street Gallery within the hospital. I apologise in advance. There was a lot of glare as all the illustrations faced clear windows with heavy traffic on Euston Road.

The UCLH arts and heritage is committed to providing a welcoming, uplifting environment for all patients, visitors and staff through the use of a varied and stimulating arts and heritage program. It’s work aims to improve the patient experience, boost staff morale, increase engagement with the arts and celebrate the Trust’s unique heritage and community.
How nice to have such beautiful and colourful illustrations in a hospital were a lot of people face a rather ‘grey’ time. It really cheered me up and I was only there for some physiotherapy.

My favourite part of the exhibition consisted of four large food illustrations depicting fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood according to the seasons.

Below here you see a smaller version of the full winter illustration.

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Winter by Esther Cooper-Wood | Pro marker, pencil and colouring pencils on paper £250

I believe that Spring, Summer and Autumn are also for sale at £250 each.
I wanted to show these charming illustrations in more details so divided each season in three sections: fruit – vegetables – meat and seafood.

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the fruits | vegetables in season for Spring

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the vegetables in season for Spring

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the meat and seafood in season for Spring

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the fruits in season for Summer

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the vegetables in season for Summer

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the seafood in season for Summer

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the fruits in season for Autumn

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the vegetables in season for Autumn

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the meat and seafood in season for Autumn

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the fruits in season for Winter

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the vegetables in season for Winter

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving
Detail showing the meat and seafood in season for Winter

Another beautiful part of the exhibition was some of the illustrations from a book called 52 recipes  written by David Wilshin.

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving

food illustrations by esther cooper-wood - colourliving

Aren’t you charmed by these illustrations? I sure am!

The exhibition runs until 25th February.

Esther Cooper-Wood
The Street Gallery,
University College London Hospital,
235 Euston Road,
NW1 2BU.


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  • Reply Catherine@farmhousehome February 23, 2015 at 11:29 am

    Tina I’m completely charmed by these food illustrations and now understand the importance of having such uplifting visuals in a hospital since I’ve been taking my dad for radiation. I love the colours and that they’re divided into the seasons, they’d look so good hanging in someone’s kitchen. Happy you’re frozen shoulder is on the mend and you can get back into your tennis, bet you can’t wait for Spring. We’re looking forward to Autumn, Summer’s nearly over and we’re looking forward to some cooler weather dishes. Catherine xxx

    • Reply tina March 10, 2015 at 7:03 pm

      They blew me over, that’s how beautiful they were. I agree (and sorry to hear about your dad) that it’s ultra important to have uplifting visuals in places like hospitals where the mood tends to be grey.

      I’m soooooooo ready for spring. Autumn is beautiful and all the stews and one pot meals. Yum!! xx

  • Reply Gerard @WalnutGrey February 24, 2015 at 11:22 am

    These have a certain Mapology connection which is very nice indeed. And an incredible amount of detail. I love how they visually tell us about the seasons. Wonderful! xo

    • Reply tina March 10, 2015 at 7:04 pm

      I agree somewhat. I will definitely contact Esther when doing a map on food.
      Love the illustrations, but as you said, love the seasonal aspect.

      Thanks G xx

  • Reply caroline @trend-daily February 25, 2015 at 11:55 pm

    Yes completely! I love doing foodie sketches and these are just lovely. Must hunt mine out. I always want to get out the pencils and paints when I’ve caught up with your blog lovely. xx

    • Reply tina March 10, 2015 at 7:05 pm

      Ha. I hope we get to see some of your sketches… hope all is well xx

  • Reply Louise - 30s Magazine March 1, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    Charming illustrations! Something that is still on my wish list is the workshop illustrating recipes. I’m not good at drawing but I dare giving it a try because it will be an incentive to log all my recipes in one place in a creative way.

    • Reply tina March 10, 2015 at 7:05 pm

      That would be so cool you doing a workshop illustrating recipes. Go on, I can’t draw either….

  • Reply Holly March 5, 2015 at 7:02 pm

    Just wonderful! And I really love the idea of this sort of exhibition in a hospital or other such institution! Would be nice is more places like this followed suit. Thanks for sharing Tina, and glad your shoulder is getting better. xoxoxox

    • Reply tina March 10, 2015 at 7:06 pm

      Yes, it was really an uplifting exhibition with beautiful images to look at. Really enjoyed it being in a hospital xx

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