Happy new week everyone. After 12 months without a blogging break, the time has come to hang up the camera, close down Photoshop and WordPress and take a well deserved time-out!
I’ve loved every single minute despite the many late nights and hope to have inspired you a little. To every single person who has come here, read my posts, commented, interacted, tweeted, wrote guest posts and generally showed support, I cannot thank you enough. It means the world and you all inspire me to continue to keep finding interesting content to share with you here!
I’m really looking forward to this break and although I’ll be resting, relaxing and recharging my batteries I won’t be completely conking out. I like to reflect on the year just passed and make plans for the forthcoming one. Next year is an important year for me and I’ve already started plotting. All I will say, at this stage, is that I’ll be back here on Thursday 2nd January 2014 (eek) with a TOTALLY FAB Giveaway! I’m already getting over-excited about it.
So, dear readers, what are your plans for the holiday season? Whichever way you might celebrate, I hope it’s full of joy, laughter and good times with loved ones! Wherever you are in the world I wish you many season greetings and a fantastic start to 2014.
See you back here on the 2nd January 2014. Signing off, with love and affection, Tina x
Frohe Weihnachten, Tina! 😀
Thank you for your great work, I always enjoy your blog so much. I hope you have lots of fun during your break!
Ha. Frohe Weinachten Alexandra und einen Guten Rutsch!
Thank you so much. Hope to see you around here in 2014.
Oh I so love that you’ve put the Serbian Christmas greeting in your collage, too!! I am wishing you a fantastic, happy, relaxing and inspiring blogging break! You deserve it! And can’t wait to catch up in January with your giveaway. Oh and: Zaista se rodi! That is the answer to the Serbian Christmas greeting:-)
For you my dear….. yes, same to you. I think we all deserve a proper break and I can’t wait for my Giveaway.. in fact it’s going to be an EPIC giveaway:-)
Thank you for the support. Happy holidays my friend!
Merry Christmas from English me and Bon Nadal from my adopted home of Barcelona! Hope you have a wonderful break and enjoy your time off – it’s well deserved!
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, see you in January!
We share the same adopted home Becky. Do you have any Catalan Xmas decs? Ages ago I bought the crapper from the Xmas markets in front of the Le Seu Cathedral in the Barrio Gotico. It makes me laugh every year I get it out. Bon Nadal i Felic Any Nou.
Hahaha. I think it’s so cool you living in Barcelona…. can we have a Bloggers meet-up there??
Happy Christmas and New Year Becky and thanks for your support! x
Happy chrimbo Tina. Hope you have a well earnt rest. xx
Same to you lovely. see you in 2014. x
Joyeuses fêtes, Tina! I hope you’ll have a wonderful, relaxing and fun break. Enjoy your time off! And here’s to a fabulous 2014 for Colourliving!
Merci Judith:-)
I wish you and your family the very best over the festive seasons and I look forward to seeing you in 2014.
Have a wonderful relaxing break Tina & Happy Christmas to you & those around you. Look forward to lots of inspired Colourliving posts in 2014! Xx
Thank you Catherine. You and enjoy your Summer Break xx
Enjoy your time off, have a lovely Christmas and a relaxing few weeks. Merry Christmas, frohe Weihnachten and joyeux noël xo
Thank you Carole. Same to you and Merry Christmas, frohe Weihnachten and joyeux noël to you and your loved ones…. see you soon xx
Delighted to see you’re signing off for a few weeks… cos you deserve a break! Relax and enjoy every moment.
You know I’m a big colourliving fan. Looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings.
Much love xxx
I’m so glad I’m taking this break and after a week am starting to relax.
It’s only us bloggers who know how time consuming, all encompassing and tiring blogging can be, especially after 12 month with no break!
Thank you darling for being a loyal Colourliving fan!
Kicking off 2014 with an EPIC giveaway…. if truth be told, I would like to enter myself:-))
Enjoy your break xx
Have a very well earned rest Tina, and thanks once again for your endless support.
Looking forward to seeing what 2014 brings,
Alison x
Thank you Alison. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time over the holidays. Enjoy every moment!!!
Thank you for your beautiful cards and the continuous support! Much love x
“I’ve loved every single minute despite the many late nights and hope to have inspired you a little.”
A little? A little?! Now that’s got to be the understatement of the year!!! 😀
You know how much I adore your blog and – as if inspiring me immensely wasn’t enough – you’ve been a truly supportive friend.
Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to all the exciting things that will, no doubt, come your way in 2014! Mwah!!! 😀 xo
Hahahahaha. Thank you Chi!
Pleasure love. Thank you for your support and I can’t wait to see what new beautiful children garments you will delight us with in 2014.
Love to M and the girls.. happy festivities xx
Frohe Weinachten sweetie! xx
Hey, Frohe Weinachten to you and your family and OF COURSE Helga. See you in 2014 x
Felices fiestas, Tina. Happy you do recharge batteries disconnecting. Such a wise decision! Looking forward to see you back soon! Enjoy all you can! x
Thank you Gudy. I needed to have a bit of a break. My blog takes and immense amount of time and energy and I wanted to prepare for 2014….. hope to finally meet you
very soon.
All the best for you and your loved ones over this festive period. x
Tina, thank you for all of your posts this year. I have enjoyed reading every single one and am so inspired by your creativity and photography. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year period. I look forward to reading your posts with my cup of coffee in 2014 which have become a regular fixture. xxD
Awww, thank you Doris for your loyal readership. It makes all the difference.
It pleases me to inspire and may I say that lately you have taken the most wonderful shots yourself and I can’t wait to see what you bring us in 2014.
I’ve just realised this morning that in less than 10 days I’m back blogging… all of a sudden the break seems too short:-)
Anyway, I’m getting rather excited about my EPIC Giveaway on 2nd January.. see you then. You will defo need a cup of coffee for that one!
Happy festivities to you guys xx
LOVE LOVE LOVE to you and a Happy XMAS. Look forward to more chit chats and reading your fab posts. Take care my sweet friend, and see you in 2014. Will email you later – maybe there’s still a change for a quick rendezvous in London this Xmas!!! Much love always Axx
GOD JUL my friend….it’s nice to know that you’re currently in the UK. If there’s time to meet it will be FAB. If not, we’ll see each other at one of the Blogging conferences in 2014.
Have a fantastic time over the festive period and hugs to the blonde angels xx
Lovely Tina! So great getting to know you more this year, what a fab blog you’ve got with so much interesting content. Have a wonderful break, disconnect from this online world and enjoy. Happy Christmas Tina xx
Hello Mel. Yes, I’ve also enjoyed getting to know you and your lovely blog this year… it never ceases to amaze me how many talented people there are out there!!
Starting to relax now….. have a wonderful break and enjoy your time off too. See you in 2014, albeit virtually:-) xx
What a beautifully worded message to end the year. Thanks for all the interaction and introductions through 2013. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to what excitement 2014 will bring. Merry Christmas Tina x
Hello lovely Peter.
I hope you had a great Birthday yesterday and that you were spoiled rotten….
I’ve so enjoyed meeting you (virtually) and love all the visual porn on your fab blog.
Now, I think it’s time to meet properly and have that damn soup:-))
Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones and here’s to an amazing 2014 x
Have a lovely, relaxing holiday break. Happy New Year for 2014. xx
Hi G. Same to you and your family. See you in 2014 xx
Happy Holidays Tina. Enjoy your break! I haven’t read any blogs for weeks but I’m also taking a break so I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on all your blog posts coming weeks. Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays Louise…. glad you’re finally relaxing!!
I hope you have a fantastic break and here’s to a great 2014. All the Best xx
Loving the Christmas & New Year design – you are v clever!
Happy Christmas Tina – I hope you have a lovely well earned break – I can’t think of any blogger who works as hard as you do.
Looking forward to what you have in store for 2014!!
Michaela xx
Oh well, thank you there Pargy:-))
Same to you my dear.. hope you have a good one, and can finally relax and play a little!!
Aww, thanks love.. I also really enjoy it.
See you in 2014. Let’s arrange for a coffee when you’re next in London.
Oh darling, you have a place in my heart. Thank you for a wonderful year. Happy Christmas, I hope you have a fabulous bloggy break. Much love xx
Oh honey…… I feel the same way!
Have the most wonderful time with your family and here’s to 2014. Much love xx
Hope you’re enjoying your well deserved break my dear Ms. Colourliving! All the best to you too. 2014 is going to be GREAT! Xx.
I am indeed!! Feeling very chilled, relaxed and (not wanting this to end..) kind of mode:-)
Thank you Holly for your unwavering loyal support throughout this year. I’m soooo pleased we finally met. (one of the highlights of 2013).
Here’s to 2014.. see you in Berlin:-) LOL xx
Hello Tina! Happy new year from me and Alfie pug!
Hope you’re having a wonderful and relaxing break.
Shame about the bloody weather.
See you soon, louisa x