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    Creativity Corner Creative Projects

    Launching Three Brand New Mapology Guides

    October 23, 2017

    We’re really proud to announce the launch of our brand new series of Mapology Guides.

    Selecting contributors is always a challenging part as we try and find people that are able to grasp the Mapology thinking method and, of course, are also super talented. All this takes time. When we finally unveil new maps, it always feels like a birth. OK, let me show you some details.

    How To Make It Happen, no seriously.

    Make It Happen – the incredible power of taking small steps
    Concept and Design Tina Bernstein // Illustrated by Rebecca Barnes //
    Written by Robbie Dale

    Feeling stuck? That’s OK. Sometimes we all do.

    Fortunately there’s a surprisingly simple solution to getting unstuck: do something. ANYTHING.
    Because whatever you want to make happen, it will only happen if you start.

    Detail of Make It Happen map illustrated by Rebecca Barnes

    It’s easy to forget what you’ve achieved in your life. When successes feel part of everyday life we fail to recognise them for what they are: incredible achievements built one manageable step at a time.
    Here’s the not-so-secret guide to being productive, moving forward and making it happen (whatever it is you want to achieve).

    Detail of Make It Happen map illustrated by Rebecca Barnes

    Detail of Make It Happen map illustrated by Rebecca Barnes

    Do you know anyone that isn’t looking for answers? Send them my way.

    Are You Looking For Answers? – enrich your life by asking the right questions
    Concept and Design Tina Bernstein // Illustrated by Nanna Koekoek //
    Written by Robbie Dale

    Are you asking the right questions?

    If you’re looking for answers, the right questions are ones that will help you understand yourself and the world you live in. Forget ‘Why does this always happen to me?’ it’s time to start asking ‘What’s bugging me?’, ‘How can I make better decisions?’ and ‘How do hedgehogs mate? (comfortably at least)’.

    Detail of Are you looking for answers? map illustrated by Nanna Koekoek

    It’s important to understand the power of questions. After all, questions are the tools we use to get answers. If you want to feel more in control, better understood or more engaged with the world (and much else in between), asking the right questions can fill you with confidence.

    In this guide you’ll find a rich world of examples, ideas and techniques all designed to help you in your search for answers.

    Detail of Are you looking for answers? map illustrated by Nanna Koekoek

    Detail of Are you looking for answers? map illustrated by Nanna Koekoek

    Spoiler alert: Having ideas is not just reserved for ‘creative’ people, they’re available to everyone.

    Where Do Ideas Come From? – a simple guide to having great ideas
    Concept and Design Tina Bernstein // Illustrated by Ben the Illustrator //
    Written by Robbie Dale

    I’m forever amazed about the creative process. You have an idea. That idea often starts off as a scribble in a notebook. It then grows, often in collaboration, and step by step it becomes a finished ‘product’ (Mapology Guides). How does that happen and why does it take so long? I think I’ll always be fascinated by this process. It will never cease to amaze me and I hope to stay fascinated by this forever.

    Detail of Where do Ideas come from? map illustrated by Ben the Illustrator

    Ideas don’t happen by accident, even if it often feels that way. Forget about
    light-bulb, EUREKA! or AHA! moments. It doesn’t work that way. They emerge from a simple and easy to understand process that anyone can learn.

    Want ideas for work, home or anything else? We’ll show you the process so you can start experimenting your way to great ideas.

    Detail of Where do Ideas come from? map illustrated by Ben the Illustrator

    Detail of Where do Ideas come from? map illustrated by Ben the Illustrator

    All images/photography © Mapology Guides Limited

    Wow, have missed blogging here and really want to update you all on the Medical Medium journey. For now, it’s all go with the maps, sending them across seas and shores and as far as New Zealand. I really hope that you’ll find them not only beautiful, but foremost useful.

    Why not have a good browse in our online shop and I really welcome any feedback, the good, the bad and the ugly.

    So long folks.























  • London Life Shops


      Guess what? I cannot sew but I absolutely love fabric and haberdashery shops and I particularly have a soft spot for Ray Stitch (not just because I live in Islington).…

    March 13, 2017