Yearly Archives


    Creativity Corner Sketchbook Explorations

    Launching a 365-Day Project

    December 14, 2015

    Another year, another Christmas, a blogging hiatus! Yes, my dear readers. After a very busy year which, amongst other things, has seen the birth of Mapology Guides, I’m reflecting back and starting to think about plans for 2016.

    launching a 365-day project // colourliving

    launching a 365-day project // colourliving

    With the launch of three new maps in early 2016 and continuous plans for my Home Finding business, my attention goes to my sketching endeavour of 2015. When I started, what I called Daily Sketching I had no idea where it would take me. What was apparent from the start is that the way I produce art is rather intricate and time consuming. Many late nights later I realised that my sketching became a necessary part of my weekly routine but greatly interfered with my ‘early nights’ and therefore my well-being.

    This made me think. What would I like to tackle in 2016 to keep up my creativity and sketching? To be honest, right now I don’t know as this is a real commitment in time and energy. Also, would I like to make this a 365 day project. (It’s 366 days in 2016)

    launching a 365-day project // colourliving

    I don’t know exactly why I want to do a 365-day project, other than that I really enjoyed my sketching this year. I ended up with a body of work I wouldn’t have otherwise. This time round I want to have some theme I can work to and attempt to do something daily. Here are my thoughts so far:

    1. I’ll keep doing something in my square sketchbook but this time instead of filling 2 pages I’ll only fill 1 each day!
    2. I fancy using collage and other materials as well as my sketching tools.
    3. I would like to incorporate text and language.
    4. The theme could be: What have I learned today? OR Daily observations? OR simply Art Journaling?

    launching a 365-day project // colourliving

    launching a 365-day project // colourliving

    Have you done a 365-day project in previous years? If so, can you share your experience? Are you planning on doing one this year? Fancy joining in? Accountability is everything. It would be fun to form a group for support.

    I would like to thank everyone who stopped by this year, who read my posts and took the time to comment. It’s so hard to find time these days to read blogs so I really appreciate it. I’m going to take a well deserved break, recharge batteries and get energised for 2016. Wherever you are, have the loveliest of Christmas and a happy start to the new year.

    I see you all back here on Monday 11th January 2016. Until then, stay save x

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